The Endres Family

Welcomes you! Thanks for visiting!

We hope you enjoy your stay!

Love encourages us to venture into places
in our minds and hearts never before explored and which
would never have been disclosed, except for love.
In essence, love reveals us to our selves.

-Leo Buscaglia

Here is our family at Grandpa and
Grandma's house. Are my boys adorable or what?! 


Our family spends most of our time TOGETHER.
We have found that our most important moments are
spent with those we love, and we love no one more
than each other. Our best moments together have been
spent snuggling near the warmth of the wood burning stove,
talking, laughing, getting silly, and sharing
our thoughts with each other.

The last few years have brought many changes.
Laura quit teaching to become a stay at home mom,
and we began homeschooling the boys as well.
It makes for a tight budget, but we are happy.
On this journey we have made some wonderfully special
friends, and we have simplified our lives. We have strengthened our
family, and we have learned a great deal about ourselves.
We hope you will enjoy this small peek into our lives.


I wasn't kissing her,
I was whispering in her mouth. -Chico Marx

Rob and I have a relationship to be
envied by the happiest of couples. We are
best friends. We are always focusing on our
family and on our love. Some of our greatest
inspirations have developed while driving to our
favorite vacation spot, my parents' summer
home in Eagle River, WI. It is on that
4 1/2 hour drive that we analyze our biggest
obstacles, discuss our goals and dreams,
and reconnect as individuals with the same goal:
to foster a loving environment for our children.


Nobody had ever measured,
even poets, how much the heart can hold.
-Zelda Fitzgerald

Our children are the love of our life.
Brady is our first child. He holds a special
place in our hearts because he weathered our storm.
He made it through the tough times with us,
and was always our sole source of love and
Jonathan is our youngest, but he's growing fast!
He is Brady's dedicated student, following him around,
and learning every day. He has blossomed into
a strong-willed and unique child! He
reminds us to slow down and enjoy each day of
their short childhood. Our children
together are our reason for living. They are
our greatest accomplishment, our union,
our perfect blessings.

We are strong believers in
Attachment Parenting. To read
more about this, please visit
our AP page.

To visit the places we've enjoyed, go to our LINKS page!


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