Our Craft Page
craft resourse box should include:paper
bags, plastic lids, buttons, old socks & gloves, nuts &
seeds, pressed flowers, scraps of fabric,gift &
wallpaper,paper plates, yarn, string, old beads & jewlery,
foam cup & meat trays, foil pans, egg cartons, etc. In other
words RECYCLE & REUSE. Not only does it save
money it also teaches the kids ecology.
Daisy & Brownie Crafts
Junior Crafts
Cadette & Senior Crafts
Crafts for All Ages

Daisy & Brownie Crafts
Butterflies - materials - Paper coffee filters,
watercolors, paintbrushes, markers, glue, glitter, clothespins
(old fashioned or spring), colored paper.
To color the filters, either dab on
watercolor paint with a brush or draw designs with
markers -- or both! For a shimmery effect, you can also
use glitter-and-glue designs.
Once the filter is dry, pinch it in
the middle like a bow tie. Slide or clip a clothespin
onto it and fan out each side of the filter to resemble
butterfly's wings.
Cut two strips of construction
paper, approximately the size of matchsticks, and glue
them onto the clothespin for antennae.
Animals -
- materials
- stapler, paper-plates, construction paper, tempera paint (for
younger children make sure to use a water based paint that will
not stain), yarn, black crayon.
- Staple
two plates together at the rim, having rounded sides out.
- Without
creasing, fold two plates in half to make the wings,
Staple in near the top of body.
- For
the head fold about 1/3 of a plate over and staple it.
Attach to the body with more staples.
- Paint
the owl and add details with construction paper.u
- Use a
black crayon on rim of the wings to make feathers.
- Run a
piece of yarn through the fold of the head. Knot off the
ends to make a hanger.
Spider - materials - paper
plates, black & yellow construction paper, black crayons or
black tempera paint, tape.
- Cut
eight long strips of black construction paper for the
spider's legs. Fold them back and forth several times.
This will make the legs bounce and wiggle when you hang
the spider up.
- Cut a
circle or oval head from black paper.
- Staple
two plates together with legs and head sandwiched between
- Add
paper cut eyes.
- Paint
or color the body black and tape a kibg strubg to middle
of back so spider can dangle.
- materials
- stapler, paper plates, brass fasteners, crayons or color
- Color
the backs of 2 paper plates.
- Bend
one of the plates in half without creasing it and staple
it together at the rim. This will be the bird's body.
- Cut
the other plate in half.
- Bend
one piece in half without creasing it and staple it
around one end of the body to make the bird's head.
- Cut
the other half of the plate in half again and using the
brass fasteners attach one piece to each side of the
bird's body for wings.
- Add
- Tape
the yarn to the bird's back so you can hang it up.
stick people - materials needed - craft sticks or tongue
depressors, pipcleaners, tape, cardboard circles, yarn, bits of
fabric,wallpaper or tissue. (For Daisies gluing can be
pre-done)They do not have legs, but can be stuck in flowerpots or
clay to stand.
- Glue
cardboard circles on sticks draw in simple eyes with pen
or marker, decorate with yarn for hair.
- Wrap
pipcleaner for arms, secure with tape. Use fabric,
wallpaper, and or tissue to make clothes. (This would be
great for Thinking Day using country costumes)
Hats - materials needed - small styrofoam coffee
cups (collect these from SU meetings to recycle), regular
ballpoint ink pens (can be red or green), colored pencils
- Have
girls write their name (ballpoint ink pens work great)
and decorate the cups. Remember they hold them upside
- Bake
rim side down on foil lined cookie sheet about 5 min at
350. Oven temps vary greatly, so test this before
meeting. We have access to stove, if you don't you can
take them home to bake. Foam cups, trays etc. work like
shrinky dink. They will puff-up then reduce greater than
50%. With supervision the girls love to watch the
Bag Vests - materials needed - brown grocery bags,
colored crayons ( This is oldy but goody, so don't forget to
resurrect it)
- Cut
up front of bag into neckhole at bottom make armholes .
Use crayons and or markers to decorate. Have a fashion
show with everyone a winner.

Junior Crafts
Sun Catchers - materials needed - metal cookie cutters,
spray cooking oil, small plastic beads (Mardi Gras) , foil lined
cookie sheet, clear tape
Place beads (strings & all) into
greased metal cookie cutter. Bake in 350 oven until
melted. Tape string to back for hanger or have adult
drill hole.
Plate Baskets - materials needed - scissors, paper plates
(size of plate determines size of bowl), yarn
- Trace
a circle in the center of the plate. (This will be the
bottom of the basket.)
- Cut
around edge approximately 1" spaces. Fold these
strips up.
- Cut 1
yard strips of yarn. Starting at circle, weave the yarn
in and out around strips. Push the yarn down as you work.
When yarn runs out choose different colors for different
- Finish
by tucking yarn into woven part.
Tie-dyed Socks - materials - plastic bowl or pan, nontoxic
fabric dye (or koolaide dye recipe), white socks, rubber bands, newspaper,
pennies, rubber gloves and plastic spoon.
Begin by covering your work area
with newspaper. In a plastic bowl or pan, dissolve a packet of
dye (or make your own with koolaide) according to instructions.
Add water until there is enough for all of your socks. Dampen the
white socks with clear warm water, then bundle them up in rubber
bands. To make stripes, wrap three or four thick rubber bands
around the foot and the top of the sock. To make circles, pinch a
section of the sock and tie, about an inch down, with a rubber
band. For a pattern of tiny rings, slip pennies or buttons into
the sock and wrap bands around them. Wearing rubber gloves,
submerge the bound socks in warm dye and stir occasionally with
spoon. After 20 min. or so (the color will lighten after fabric
is rinsed and dried) run them under cool water squeezing until
water runs clear. Remove bands (and any pennnies), smooth out the
socks, and rest them flat on newspaper. Let them dry overnight.
Wash seperately from the rest of the laundry for first few times
to keep from dying or bleeding dye from tinting to other clothes.

Cadette & Senior Crafts
Flag Necklace - materials needed - 3 yds. cord, Pony Beads:
44Red, 37 White, 21 Blue
- Thread beads onto
cord,alternating red and white beads for a total of 18
beads (begin with red bead).
- Thread one end of
cord back through half of beads. Pull both ends of cord
carefully to tighten, keeping ends even. The first row of
beads will be loose, but will tighten as more rows are
added. You should now have two rows of beads with nine
beads each row ( cord should be out of each end of top
row of beads)
- To make third row,
thread nine red and white beads on one end of cord (
begin with red bead and alternate colors). Thread other
end of cord back through the nine beads (again, cord
should come out of each end of top row of beads).
- Repeat step 3 to
create rows 4-7.
- Repeart step 3 for
the last four rows, substituting 5 blue beads at the end
of the row.
- Slip last three beads
on end of cord and knot end. Thread other side of cord
through the three beads and knot end.
- Necklace may be
adjusted to desired length by pulling knots on each side.
This can be
adapted for key chains using less cord . Also using E or Seed
beads with a beading needle and beading floss is anothe
variation. Thanks to Michaels
Bracelet - Materials needed - One medium potato,
toothpicks, elastic cording , small beads or buttons (brown,
biege or other neutral colors), clasp from old necklace, and
acrylic paint.
- Cut potatoes into long slendar slices....and then
cut slices into smaller chunks : 3/4 in. size (All
different shapes). (If this step is
prepared ahead of time this craft can be adapted for all
- Then place toothpicks in the center of the potato
chunks. Set them aside for 24 hours or until the chunks
are dry. It begins to wrinkle but thats O.K.
- After they're dry you can paint each piece with
acrylic paints. After the potato pieces are completely
dried string each piece onto elastic cording cut the size
of your wrist. You can use the beads alternatinng between
pieces of potato. Tie the strings together with a knot.
- P.S. You can also use carrots!

Crafts for All Ages
Tie Dye Recipe
cup white vinegar
1/2 cup water
2 plg
unsweetened drink mix (Koolaide) - dark colors work best
ingredients in saucepan. Heat to boiling. Simmer for 20-30
minutes. Cool and place each color in a separate squirt bottle.
May be stored in refrigerator for several weeks. VERY IMPORTANT:
Set colors before washing by ironing T-shirt. Wash in cold water.
Bead Necklace - materials needed - magazines or wallpaper
books, ball point pens, white paper, ruler, scissors, old
tablecloth, Coffee stirrers, Glossy Mod Podge, Small sponge
brushes, string or dental floss.
- Draw
triangles 1 1/2 inch wide by 10 1/2 inch long on white
paper. Cut out triangle. You can experiment with
different sizes later ,but this is a good size to start
out with.
- Use
triangle as a pattern and trace onto magazine covers (or
wallpaper pages) with a ball point pen.
- Cut
out the triangle.
- Cover
your work surface with an old tablecloth. Lay your
triangles on your work surface, with the side you want to
show facing up. Cover the triangle with a coat of Glosssy
Mod Podge.
- Turn
over your triangle and place your coffee stirrrer on the
bottom edge of the triangle and roll it up. Slide the
bead off the coffee stirrer after the bead has been
- If
beads have problem with falling apart after you take out
the stirrer cover with another coat of glue.
- Let
the beads totally dry before stringing (this takes about
an hour). String on the beads and tie a double knot.
(OPT) : You can make up a bunch of beads ahead of time (use older
girls to help make these and collect service hours). To make the
craft go faster girls can mix paper beads with plastic ones on
their necklace. You can use Tacky glue but it takes longer to
dry. Use a plastic canvas needle to thread beads on the string.

Making Friends Crafts for Kids
special Thanks to Cadette Girl Scout Sarah for typing and
inspiration used in this site!

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