Raymond Church - 04/07/00 15:45:58 My URL:http://angelfire.com/va2/homested/index.hyml My Email:raymond@citynet.net Families I am Researching: Church,Mullins, Coleman,Row. Horn | Comments: Good job, This genealogy is a interesting hobby isn't it? I don't think that there is an end to it.!! Keep up the good work. The Wva hillbilly Raymond Church. |
Wendy Johnson - 04/02/00 18:35:51 My Email:wendy@therocket.fsnet.co.uk Families I am Researching: Cardell | Comments: Interesting and informative web page - William Wayne Cardell is my dad (grandparents are William Cardell and Ella Peacock |
Carl Stephens III - 03/11/00 07:25:52 My Email:htsecurity@prodigy.net Families I am Researching: James Allen Brickey | Comments: When did James die. Wwhen was James Born |
Michelle Brickey - 11/23/99 04:34:38 My Email:michellebrickey@hotmial.com | Comments: |
Rose Denson - 11/15/99 17:38:28 My Email:doug@itexas.net Families I am Researching: MOORE, BILBERRY, THOMPSON, LOGAN, SHULTZ | Comments: Great job Nancy. Keep up the good work. ROSE |
Nan - 11/13/99 03:50:21 My Email:rockartgal@uswest | Comments: Welcome. This is to test the guestbook. If you encounter any problems, or have any questions, please email me and explain what the problem is. I will do my best to fix it. Bookmark this site...there will be more changes. Nan |