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Farah's Page
Hi, I'm Farah and I was born in Jerusalem, Israel on April 22nd, 1999.
Here are some photographs that will tell you who I am and what my life looks like.
Here is my mother, Maya. She lives in Jerusalem with her mom, Rinat, and Dad, Gavri.
She's a 3 year old Lab, and this was her first litter.
This is my dad, Negev, with my mom, Maya.
Here is my mom on the day I was born along with my 4 sisters and 2 brothers.
Look at me, here I am care-free on the last day with my mom,
before I went to live with my new parents in Tel-Aviv.
I am now 6 weeks old, and by far, the biggest and most beautiful of them all.
Here is my first family picture
I was a sad little puppy after I moved to my new home,
so I tried to make friends with my pet slipper.
And finally, I'm 7 weeks old, and I'm deeply asleep
after a tiring bath.
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