
Biographies of Posey County, Indiana

In May of 1997, this project was organized by Jeff Murphy, using the established KY Biographies Project as a model. State coordinators were sought to set up their own state project. They were offered the system design and tools created for the KY project, but were free to set up their project in any way they chose. I am Deb Murray, and I am the coordinator for Indiana Biographies. Volunteers are needed to enter, edit, and archive the biographies for each project. If you have biographies you would like to donate for any Indiana counties, please contact me. If you would like to volunteer to coordinate a county, please contact the Indiana State Coordinator Deb Murray

Indiana Biographies U.S. Biographies 
Indiana Biographies Data Entry Guidelines State Coordinators E-mail 
Posey County Biographies  Books Used for Biographies
Volunteers Lists  Indiana County Map
State of Indiana Biographies 
            On-Line Index 
Posey County Genealogy   
        InGenWeb Project 

My name is Michael L Tedrow and I am responsible for the Posey County Indiana Biographies page. If you have a biography of a Posey County resident, and would like to post it to this page, please e-mail me for instructions, or view this link for details.

This page was last updated on February 16, 1999

You are the  visitor to this page since it was made August 2, 1998. 

This page was authored by: Michael L. Tedrow.

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