Contributing Researchers

The Contributing Researchers Project began when one visitor asked if we would mind posting her research with our own. She did the digging and we did the posting and the tree just grew! Since then, others around the world have submitted their research data - from pictures to names & dates, etc. - and helped the Broughton Family Tree branch out into what it is today! Here's how you too can become a member of the CR Project:

1. Gather your family's genealogical data.
We accept: paper copies, zipped files of text, Word documents, or Excel spreadsheets, and Family Tree Maker compatible gedcom files. We also accept photographs in paper form or electronically in .gif, .jpeg or .bmp format.
2. Send us the information.
You can send it to us through email at Or if you would like to send us the information through the postal service, email us your request to submit data. We will then provide you with the address. While we accept information in this way, we do ask that a self-addressed-stamped envelop be included should you wish your research be returned to you. This is often done whenever pictures are included with the submitted data. Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy prior to making your submission.
3. Give us time to compile.
After your information is received we will notify you that we have it and our work begins. Please allow us enough time to process the information, and design the pages that will be posted to the BFT web site. The more information sent, obviously the longer it takes, but we try to have it done within a week to a month at maximum.
4. We'll post your CR Pages.
After your information is in HTML format and posted to the BFT site, we will email you with the URL location of the page(s) so you can verify the accuracy of the data. (We are only human, but we try to be as accurate in reconstructing your research as possible. Any corrections are usually made within 24 hours of our receipt of notification.)
5. Be available to answer questions.
After your data is posted, you will be notified of any inquiries made concerning the information submitted to BFT. It is our policy that we DO NOT give out email addresses of CR Project members to anyone until permission is granted by the member. We handle it on a case by case basis. You are notified each time by us and given the ok, we forward your email address to the inquirer. It's up to you to correspond with the person and answer the questions concerning your research. For more information, read our Privacy Policy.
6. Spread the word! Tell your family and friends about your pages!

Meet your co-members.

You're in great company!

Any More Questions?



The Broughton Family Tree
Copyright © 1998-1999 by Brandi Broughton-Loyd.
All rights reserved.Terms of Use & Legal Notices
This page may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent
Graphics courtesy: Adrienne's Creative Web Design