If you have a question about the Citrus Park Bills organization, please click on the
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This site is maintained by Tim McClain - Bills Athletic Director
          Meet Your Coaches
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Important Dates

Ages & Weights

Family Day

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Golf Tournament

2002 County Coaches
Certification Clinics   

2002 Schedule

2002 Flag Schedule

Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims of the September 11, 2001 attack on America.
             Photos at tbyfl.com

Looking for pictures from the Bills games?  Go to tbyfl.com and click on the PHOTOS button and you can see action from the 1st game against the Raiders and the 1st week of flag football action.  I will have the 2nd game pictures against the Dolphins up by this weekend.
Click here to see the 2002 Football Schedule
Click here to see the 2002 FLAG Football Schedule
     New Web Site In The Works

The Citrus Park Bills web site will have a major face lift in the next few days.  Please bear with us as we make the changes.  The new web site will give us more space so that we can put more pictures up and it will also be eaiser to make changes to and post pictures to.  This hopefully will allow us to keep the web site content more fresh.

I took over the TBYFL web site in 2002, so you will be able to see photos and the current team records in a timely manner this year, so keep coming to citrusparkbills.com, but stop by tbyfl.com ever so often.

I would like to thank Shawn McGlinchy who has voluntered this year and is providing the design for the new web site and handling the maintenance work for the citrusparkbills.com site.  This allows me to continue my work with tbyfl.com and also keep our web site as the best looking youth sports site in the area!.