Talus Rock Girl Scout Council

Talus Rock Girl Scout Council
serves over 5,300 girls and 1,500 adults in over 430 troops.

Origin of the council name
Talus Rock is from the Tuscarora formation. It is
Tuscarona Quartsite, named for the Tuscarora Mountains of Pennsylvania.
The Tuscarora formation overlies the Juniata
formation and underlies the Clinton formation. This stone, found as outcrop only on the
crests of ridges in the Talus Rock Council area, is valuable as a source of silica or
ganister, used in the manufacture of silica brick.
The stone is comparatively hard and resistant to
erosion, consequently it formed steep mountain ridges in the area. It is usually found in
layers of 400 to 600 feet thick.
An interesting sidelight to the Tuscarora Quartsite
formation is the fact that usually only one fossil type is found in the formation, that of
the Anthrophycus Alleghaniensis, supposed to be a cast of worm borrow.
The depressions are caused by an iron intrusion.
The pits are iron nodules which have been dissolved or rusted out over the years.
TRGSC 3/88

The main office of the Talus Rock Girl Scout
Council is located at 612 Locust Street in Johnstown, PA 15901. The council phone number
is (814)536-5371.

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