I am a now 51 year old baby-boomer...*GASP*...who is wondering where the time has gone and how I got here so quickly. Wasn't it only a few years ago that I was throwing my graduation hat into the air?? Wasn't it only a short time ago that my first child was born?? Wasn't it only recently that I was over whelmed at turning 30?? Isn't it funny that when you're a kid time seems to move at a snails pace? Then after you reach 21 it moves like greased lighting, why is that?? And isn't it also funny that I can remember events of my adolescence vividly, but I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday...what's up with that??...LOL..!
Some of my favorite hobbies or things to do are shopping,cooking,gardening, and finding tips on easier ways to do things around the house. I have a list of some of these tricks
and tips to share with you later on in this page.

 My most favorite and special interest is in angels!!
I have been collecting them for many years,and my collection includes figurines,pictures,jewelery,clothing,and dolls. You can't look in one single corner of my house and not see an angel! But, my most cherished angel of them all is my 30 year old son who is profoundly mentally retarded and has cerebral palsy. His name is Roger and he is a true source of inspiration to me. Despite enduring 8 grueling operations,6 of which were brain operations
to insert shunts for hydrocephalus,he always smiles and laughs,
and never gives up fighting. I feel very blessed to be taking care of one of "Gods Angels" here on earth

Turning 50 this year hasn't been an easy thing for me to accept. Suddenly,all of those "getting old" traits I used to joke about are not so funny. Now it seems the joke is on me!! The memory lapses are the hardest part to take. You know...like when you go into a room for something,and once you get there...you forget what you went there for! I have heard that the herb Ginko is good for improving your memory, so I bought some. The only problem is that I keep forgetting to take it. I signed up for a memory improvement course but, I keep forgetting what night it is on. I like to keep a good sense of humor about getting older...it's the only one of my senses that is still working right!...LOL

Besides celebrating my "gulp" 50th birthday in October, I will also be celebrating another big event in October. My 5 year mark
after being diagnosed with breast cancer. It's been a fairly long five years with two lumpectomies, radiation treatments, constant mammograms and checkups.But in just a few more weeks, I will officially become a cancer survivor. That is not to say that I am done with frequent checkups or a little worry from time to time but, reaching the five year mark gives me a little more breathing room. And since October is National Breast Cancer
awareness month I just wanted to share that information with all the women who happen to visit my site. There was no history of breast cancer in my family so, I was more than a little shocked to hear the news. But thanks to early detection my prognosis is
good. Please visit my Pink Ribbon page(the symbol of breast cancer awareness)and send it to every woman you know and care about. Pink Ribbon Page..
One week after the news of my breast cancer,I was also diagnosed with cervical cancer.
"Good Greif" I thought to myself..."when is enough...enough?" You
have heard the expression I am sure that God never gives you more
than you can handle. I do believe this..most days anyway..LOL
But sometimes,I put my left hand on my hip,look upwards toward
heaven,shake my right pointer finger,and say very loudly....
"God...you are really pushing it today!"

All poetry on these pages is original and written by me,including all icq greetings. Please
do not copy or add to any collections without my permission! But please DO send them to all your friends! All backgrounds and graphics were made by me..except where stated otherwise. If you take any of these for your own use, please link them back to my site. Thankyou!!
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My adopted angel...RJ...adopted Sep.5,1998

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