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Google Earth has significantly improved the resolution, and therefore the quality of its imagery of the Northern Neck.  While still not detailed enough to see fleas on a dog's back, it does provide pretty good overhead photos of houses.  Pictures were apparently taken in February, 2007, so they're fairly recent and items on the ground are not covered by lots of foliage.  Go to http://googleearth.com for a look.

Several residents and their guests have reported a run of croaker just off the Mallard Bay Boat dock.  They're biting on squid and some as large as 18" have been caught.  It sounds like an ideal time to bring the youngsters down to the dock for a memorable afternoon of catching fish and a quick lesson in the fine art of filleting.

Mallard Bay Property Manager Dolf Wais advises that the swimming pool is being prepared for the season's opening and should be ready the week of May 11, 2009.  It's been thoroughly cleaned and is in the process of being heated to a temperature acceptable to those living in the lower 48.  So, dust off the rubber duckie, blow up the water wings and join your neighbors in the pool!

After several months of discussion and writing, the MBPOA Board has revised the rules for Mallard Bay.  They reflect the results of voting at last October's Annual Membership meeting as well as opinions voiced in comments to the MBPOA Board.  All areas have been substantially re-written and updated including rules concerning membership status, use of common areas and amenities, swimming pool, clubhouse, piers, pets and motor vehicles.  Click on the following:  Mallard Bay Rules for the complete document.

Honeywind Bluegrass Boys
Saturday June 6, 2009 -- 5-8 p.m. Rain or Shine
All You Can Eat Roast Pig, Barbecue, Hot Dogs, Beans, Slaw, Brownies and Soft Drinks Included
Beer and Wine Available
Bring a beach chair or blanket!
Tickets  $20 in advance  $25 at the door
Call Leslie Hatch for tickets  (804) 580-5121
Benefits St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, SAIF Water, and Hospice of the Northern Neck


                                    This page was last updated:  Tuesday, May 05, 2009