Dis is Cream. She came to live wiff arr mommy in 1986. Cream wuz a reel affekshunit cat. She luved to smurgle an she wud drool an drool! She wud wayte by da door fur mommy to come home frum skool. She wuz a OUT kitty beecuz mommy wuz livin wiff her mommy at dat tyme an didnt no dat it wuz best to keep kittys in or else alwayes supervize dem wen out. Cream came hom wun day wiff a absess on her eer. She wuz a tuff gurl kitty an a scrapper! She alwayes wud get reel madmad wen da neyburs dumd*g wud come into her yard. Den mommy wud heer her yowlin an hav to run out an get her or else she wudda killed dat little dumd*g! Cream got hitted by a metalmonster (car) too. She had to hav a nee surjery cuz she wuz limpin an her croosheeit ligimint wuz all torned up. She wuz lukkee to servive gettin hit by a metalmonster. But den her luk ran out. Cream went to da brige on July 18, 1992 after getting real sick frum feeline lookeemea. Wen mommy drove home frum da vet, she lukked up an saw a rainbow in da sky. Dat musta been Cream's last messige to her. To tell mommy dat she got to da brige sayflee.

Dis is Echo. Mommy had Echo fur a long tyme! She got Echo in 1984. Echo wuz always a shyshy kitty, but she lyked mommy. She did not lyke to sit on mommys lap but wud lyke to sit close by an be patted. She wuz a reel sweetie kitty. She wuz also a OUT kitty an just lyke Cream, she got hitted by a metalmonster. She servived dat but had lotsa cuts on her hed. She wuz lukkee too. Mommy duznt no wut happened to her Echo. Wen mommy went to skool, she lived in residense fur a wyle an so she cudnt tayke Echo. But wen she moofed into a house, her mommy asked her to tayke Echo dare to live wiff her. But Echo wuz 13 yeers old by dat tyme an she hated da noo house. She cried an cried all day an nite to be let in da OUT. Mommy let her out wun day an she followed her an kept goin out to mayke shur she wuz still dare. Den mommy fell asleep an wen she woke up Echo wuz gon. Mommy serched effuryware an chekked at da animal shelter alla tyme, but she neffur found her Echo. Poor mommy will neffur forgive herself fur loozin Echo. Dats why she alwayes keeps us in da IN an Isis onlee goes out onna leesh. She will neffur looz us!
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