Go Visit Sum Uv Arr Frends!
Here dey arr.....Da Tucker Bunch! Dey've got a grate site wiff lottsa pictoors uv Tucker, Jason, Smokey an Lily-Belle. Also, dere's lottsa links to reelee coolcool sites an clubs fur kittys!
Bedder check out dese Fat Cats! Well, akshully, none uv em is fat an no wut? Dare not reelee cats eeder! Dis is a band dat mommy just luvs, deys frum Hamilton, Ontario, Catnada, so if'n yoor in dat area yoo shud chek em out. Dare web payge is a still unner construcshun but yoo kin try an see wuts dare!

Hey!! Wy iznt YOOR website heer?? Email arr mommy soz she kin put it on rite away!
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