Welcome to my garden.
Step right through the gate.
Take a look around
or stop to meditate.

I grew this site of mine
as a place to hang around
in hopes among the weeds
a flower may be found.

It's just a simple site
not meant to awe inspire.
It will not cure disease
or set the world afire.

It's just a tiny refuge
to meet with cyber friends,
and allow a little glimpse
of my lifes turns and bends.

The landscape is growing
so don't stay away too long.
There may be a fresh bloom
or a new bird in song.

You're probably in a hurry
or have places you should go,
but don't forget to take a moment
and stop to smell a rose.

I never claimed to be a poet
so excuse my silly rhyme.
Hope you enjoy your visit.
Come back anytime!!


Theese are my 2 most precious blooms (and the loudest too).

!! It's A Girl !! ('98)

!! It's A Girl Again !! ('00)

!! And Again It's A Girl !! ('01)

Our Summer Adventures ('97-'98)

The Family Album

What's In A Name?

The Girl Scout Patch

The Family Tree

This Kitty came from my former community leader here at geocities.
Click on Kitty to visit her site, especially if you like quilting.

Click for Watertown, New York Forecast

You can check out our weather forecast here in northern NY if you dare.

Please bear with me while I build my site. I'm new at this but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it! .Here are a couple places I found very helpful - and

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