Welcome to the Home of

My goal for this page is to :

  1. Establish links to other Union Members to explore the future of Unions.
  2. Foster greater communication within the Union I belong to in the hopes that shared knowledge and awareness of our contract improves our solidarity and working conditions.
  3. Create a connection through the virtual community of the web to increase awareness for social issues (anti-poverty advocates, environmental issues, quality of public service delivery, community action coalitions).

As you can probably tell my interests are Union Activism, Labour Relations, Contract Negotiations, and Employee rights in general.

Who Am I:

I live in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada and work for the Liquor Distribution Branch as a store clerk. I also serve as a shop steward in the British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union.

In the recent past I have been on two rounds of negotiations with the Liquor Distribution Branch and one round with the Government of BC's Master agreement with the BCGEU. My term in office ended before negotiations could be concluded for the most recent contracts.

I am also a qualified trainer of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee Training course which was jointly developed by the Provincial Government and my Union.

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Please feel free to e-mail me at mark_christie@geocities.com if you have any questions or comments
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© Mark Christie, 1998 - 2002
All opinions expressed are those of the author and in no way are meant to be reflections of any organizations or affiliates mentioned or referenced.

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