Marje's Quilts (and other things)
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simon1.jpg (5145 bytes) This is Simon's puppy picture.  It is early September '99 and he is about eight weeks old.
simon2.jpg (6002 bytes) When you're too little to go up the stairs and too little to go down you just make do with wherever you are. 
simonb.jpg (36496 bytes) By the way, here is is on the same stairs 18 months later!
ds1.jpg (5993 bytes) Daisy and Simon love to play together. It's difficult determining who is going to win these games.
ds2.jpg (8321 bytes) This round goes to Daisy.
simon4.JPG (13812 bytes) Doesn't he look cute on this braided rug?  Simon is about 11 weeks old here. His legs and nose are getting long....
daisy8.jpg (17033 bytes) I almost forgot to mention that Daisy visited  St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow and this is the postcard she sent.



letter.gif (161 bytes) Let me know what you think of my site