Pet Calendar - 2001
My sister, Laurie, is very creative in taking scanned pictures of dogs, people, whatever,
and overlaying them on other pictures to create unusual scenes. The annual 2001 pet
calendar is built on this theme. Here are the pictures from the calendar featuring
pets from our extended family and what they'll be up to this year.
Bugsy has been busy getting ready for
Winter Olympic trials. |
Cricket and Daisy are planning another
road rally with their motorcycle club. |
I think their trip includes a visit to the
new improved Mount Rushmore. |
Phoebe is ready for her NEXT trip to the
wilds of africa. |
As always, Scooter and Pogo will be busy
spreading springtime cheer. |
Pooh is ready for a road trip with this
Elvis impersonator, or at least I think he's an impersonator! |
Simon hopes to settle more diplomatic
disputes. Hey Simon, it's the 20th century. There is no evil empire any longer! |
Elsa will be touring with the Ballet again
this year. |
Even at 17 Kitster can't get enough of
that hang gliding. |
Cricket is also quite the althete.
This year she will be playing her third season of DNBA basketball. |
All this while Scully and Fern just relax
in the Bahamas. |
But they all expect to make it home for
Christmas, even if they have to hitch a ride to do it. |