This is a All-American All Stars quilt I made for my
baseball loving nephew, Kyle. I designed the baseball players myself and then used a
freezer paper method I learned from Mia Roslyn to accurately piece the players. Click on
the quilt picture to the left to see a bigger picture. A closeup
picture of the ballplayers is also available. (machine pieced, machine
quilted) |
This quilt, Tropical Kaleidoscope, I made for my nephew
Sean. It's a 'Stack-n-Whack' quilt made from some pretty funky
fabric. I had a lot of fun with this one! A close-up
of some of the squares is also available. |
This is also a 'Stack-n-Whack' I made for niece Holly.
I don't have a scan of the original fabric but it has dogs, and doghouses. I
made a label for the back out of one of the leftover blocks.
'Stack-n-Whack' quilts are easy to make with pretty dramtic results! |
This is the frog quilt I made for my husband for
christmas. He likes bright colors. The pattern is from the 'Quilt a Koala'
book by Margaret Rolfe, the setting is my own. |
I made this baby quilt to put under the local fire
station's giving tree this Christmas. I was trying my own technique for creating
unusual looking quilts from traditional patterns. I call this one Split Rail. |