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EQ4 Gallery - Page 1 

op_force.JPG (28585 bytes) 2/1/2000- Someone on the Info-EQ list wanted to know if it was possible to draft blocks from Beyond Log Cabins by Kerry Gadd using EQ. I proved that it is possible for at least this quilt, Opposing Forces.  Kerry appears to be using 1-1/3 units for the lines of this block on the grid published in her book.  I drafted four log cabin units onto one block to get a square. 

Many of the blocks in this book are not square.  I know I could draft any of the blocks but I am not yet sure how I would set them into a quilt in EQ.

fragmnt1.jpg (21130 bytes) 5/5/2000- I attended a one day Jinny Beyer seminar yesterday called Design Fragmentation.  The idea is to take a basic quilt block and then break it down further into smaller patches of the same size then shade the patches.   The 'quilt' to the left was designed using EQ4 and is based on the 'EQ Star' block.  
fragmnt2.jpg (18467 bytes) Here's another one I just did from "EQ Star 4" block.

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