In Memory Of You

Fairy Web

I was given this Wonderful Fairy Dust by a kind lady named Tara
Please visit her site she has a kind heart and a lovely place to visit..

This is my Grandfather, he passed away on 7-11-98
It was a hard thing to let him go, I still feel he is in my heart
and in my soul, I love him dearly and will miss he's being here,
but look forward to feeling his loving spirit around me.
He played several musical instruments, his favorite was the harmonica.

My Grandfather was in the Army Band and always said prayers for the POW-MIA's
I have adopted Craig Luis Hagen a POW-MIA
Click the graphic below to read about him and learn how to adopt.


Click on a title or picture to go to the special links of
memories of these special people.

Wish Upon A Star

I wished upon a star for my grandpa to be happy
Would you like to wish upon a star for you or someone you love?
Just click on the star above to take you to a magical place.

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"A Child's Prayer" Were all Gods Children ( Prayer Request Page)

Hey were trying to see how many ways we can list to Praise A Child
Click below to add some ways and be linked Dude..

Ways to Praise A Child

CheyChey's Noozle Place

The Prayer Page

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