Western Branch Lions Club
Western Branch of Chesapeake and Northern Suffolk, Virginia
Club Information
Our Club started as a Lioness Club in 1990 and converted to a Lions Club in 1992. We currently have 41 members and are still growing!

We meet at George and Steve's, 3633 Bridge Rd., Suffolk.
We start with a social period at 6pm, then dinner starts at 6:30pm, and the meeting starts at 7pm.

Our meetings are generally social meetings with a guest speaker. We do conduct some business and give some committee reports, but business is normally conducted at our Board Meetings. Generally we meet the third Tuesday of each month.
President Lyle Jackson Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Senecal
1st Vice President
Lion Tamer Jeff Meyers
Ray Cicirelli
2nd Vice President
Tail Twister Irv Meyers
Alice Malbone
3rd Vice President
Terry Hepler
Past president
Vera Boerstler
Board of Directors
Monica Brickett Margie Conner
- open - Ira Steingold
Jill Morefield
Sandy Martin
Membership Director - Bonnie Vaughn
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Lions International:  http://www.lionclubs.org
District 24D Lions: http://www.webcom.com/dist_24d/welcome.html
Lions Mall:
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Contact Information
Electronic mail address: Raymond52@aol.com,
Newsletter Editor
Web address: http://geocities.com/rcicirelli/WB_Lions.html
Office phone: 757-483-0328, Newsletter Editor
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Fund Raising Projects
White Cane - Fall and Spring.
This is our primary fundraiser. We usually work at a Wall Mart Super Stores
We have numerous boxes at various businesses to sell candy mints.
Blind Products Sales
We sell brooms (various sizes) and other items that change each year
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Club Projects
We help the local HER Shelter (Shelter for battered men and women).
Our World Service Day project is to help the HER Shelter.
We have an Adopt-A-Highway project where we keep a section of the road clean.
We participate in the Journey for Sight run each year.
We provide a scholarship each year for a worthy student.
We provide funds for eye exams and glasses for needy people.
We help sponsor a competition for student musicians, which leads to a scholarship at the state level.
We screen preschoolers each fall and early winter for amblyopia (about 500 children each year).
We help sponsor an International Youth Exchange program. Our Club usually provides host families for 3-4 students each year.
We help with a Diabetes Camp for youths; it's held in the spring.
We help man a Sight & Hearing Van where we provide free testing for sight and hearing problems.
We provide food (non-perishable) to the local Food Bank each year.
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