Our Mad Pets
We have
a mad dog, a deranged cat and a dead fish.

:Female dog, 8 years old last September 1st. Likes bananas, apples,
going on picnics and camping. Tahli's happiest when riding on the
petrol tank of the motorbike, or sitting in the car with her head
poking out of the window. We know she is happy, because she'll howl
like hell. She can't stand Kiwi the cat, or obnoxious people.
Twice a
year Tahli is afflicted with "obdog". Unfortunately, there are no
suitable boyfriends for her. So she spends about two weeks chasing
and biting her tail, wimpering all the while. Drives us up the wall.
that, she is a wonderful dog, full of character, full of fun.

Kiwi :
Female cat, 4 years old this May. Likes eating foam rubber and paper
bags. She also catches geckos and baby birds. She doesn't go after
cockroaches or mice. She is happiest when she's flat out on cool
concrete on a hot day. She loves to attack our ankles whenever she
gets a chance. She is also into camping, but not too keen on the car
loves Tahli the dog.

Fish :
Whoever said that fish are easy pets to keep was wrong. We really
tried hard at first, fancy lights, regular water change, and the most
expensive food. The plants refused to grow and the fish disappeared
at an alarming rate. We bought more fish, these ones, the man in the
fish shop assured us, could live in a sewer. A few weeks later they
were goners.The latest stock are thoroughly neglected, and they are
We are
News Flash!!!
fish are finally dead. But there's still one floating in the tank.
Maybe it's feigning. No flowers please.*
sweet Tahli dog had a hysterectomy on the 13th of September. Poor
dog. But it had to be done. Get Well cards welcome.**