So often, during a game we've seen some poor lost soul asking for help only to be ignored. Don't be put off, most old quakers are nice and helpful, but too busy fragging to offer help during game play. As a newcomer, you do need some tips to fight these old and tough Quakers so you get your butt kicked a bit less. Maybe you'll think some of this is obvious stuff, so don't be offended if you already knew what we say.
We've been playing for about two years. The Thunderwalker Community is quite close knit. Welcome and have fun!!
Thunderwalker Quake Dictionary:
Airfist: Defensive weapon, exclusive to TW. Hit 2 twice to select it. Blasts air at your opponents, deflects rockets. Useful for jumping high when facing the floor. This is a good way to get the Quad in Washout(twctf8).
Beer: Stimpacks. Little bags of health which you can drop for yourself or your teammates, especially for your flag carrier. You get three packs per life and can charge up to 275. It can save your ass!!
Cap: Capture. The whole object of the game, touching your flag with the enemy flag.
Cheater: Anybody who beats you. Actually, there's a lot of debate as to whether or not you can really cheat. Of course we don't! If you find out how, please tell us.
Clan: A bunch of Quake maniacs who get together to play scrims, matches and tournaments. You can recognize them by their name tags. Eg: usantahl{c&m}.
Flag Whore: Someone who stands on the enemy flag spot, so he can be the first to grab the flag when his team captures.
GG: Good game. Said at the end of a map. Usually only if you won. Also said when leaving a game.
Grapple Monkey: Someone who grapples like hell. Difficult to catch. May also hook on to you and shoot at the same time. Snipe them quick if you can to shut them up.
HPB: High Ping Bastard. Ping 175+. Poor individual who has to rely on skill only.
Lag: Anything in gameplay that slows you down, sound stutter, freezing. If it's real bad, you'll see a phone jack on your screen.
Llama: 1. South American animal with soft wooly hair. 2. Someone who completely lacks team spirit. Llamas will blame their own team for failures, swear at their teammates or enemies. Use airfist to blast their own team away from flag/goodies for their own selfish reasons.
LPB: Low Ping Bastard. Ping 175-. Can be dangerous if they also have skills.
Overflow: Annoying side effect of QW 2.21 and 2.3. When it happens to you, it means you need to reconnect. Type reconnect in console to get back in the game.
Packet Loss/PL: Lower numbers mean a smoother game, check your PL by hitting tab key in QW2.3. Or you can type in console r_netgraph 1 to display the PL graph. r_netgraph 0 to turn it off. Both LPB and HPB can suffer from it.
Ping: Something to do with the speed of data. Basically, the lower the better. If you have ping of 25, that's sick. If you have ping of 500, you might as well go to play Scrabble.
Quad Whore: What you will get called if you get Quad a lot. Ignore it and get more Quad. They are just jealous. Seriously though, some people actually time quad, so they can catch the next one. You can do it if you are that keen. Quad respawns every 60 seconds.
Rcon: A privilege. You can change maps, kick people out of a game..etc if you know the rcon password. Can be a real pain when someone has rcon and abuses it.
Rox: Rockets. You put them in your rocket launcher and fire them. You are not that stupid, are you?? : )
Shit: 1. Waste matter from the bowels. 2. Something you say over and over again when you are playing Quake.
SLPB: Super LPB. ping 75-. These people should be arrested and have their computers taken away for life!!!
Sniper Rifle: Exclusive to TW. Hit 8 to select it. You only have 5 shots per life. And it takes a few seconds to reload. Get hit by it and you usually drop dead! Unless you are fully charged and lucky. There is no sniper ammo for you to pick up. Only if you cap or die, then you can have 5 more. NOTE: Resist rune is sniper proof.
Spoon: Spoooonnn!!! The triumphant wave when you cap.
Stimp: See Beer.
Time out: Terminal lag.
Whiner: Someone who whines. Can be about anything. Eg1:"Lag!" (when they are killed). Eg2: "I hit you 10 times with quad rox, and you still don't die??" (when they can't aim). Eg3: "4 on 3. someone switch." (this is obviously stupid).
Must-Have Impulses and Commands
"impulse 8" : Select Sniper Rifle.
"impulse 20" : Give away ammo from selected weapon.
"impulse 21" : Give away selected weapon.
"impulse 22" : Select grappling hook.
"impulse 23" : Check flags status.
"impulse 47" : Select airfist.
"impulse 141": Identify the player you are currently looking at.
"impulse 160": Fire flare. (12 per life)
"impulse 170": Blow yourself to bits and kill the enemy too. (not on all servers)
"impulse 180": Display your current rune and its properties.
"impulse 181": Drop your current rune. (only once per life)
"impulse 192": Drop stimpack. (to pump up your life)
"impulse 200": Teleport to a random spot in the map. (once per life or per cap)
+mlook : Essential for mouse users, which we hope you are.
noaim "0" : Turn off autoaim.
noaim "1" : Turn on autoaim.
crosshair "2" : Turn on crosshair.
"messagemode2": Talk to your teammates only. You've probably noticed messages like "I'm on defence." This kind of message should only be read by your team. If you say "Incoming enemy." using your "T" key, You are going to look pretty silly. you can custom bind team messages like this.
Eg: bind x "say_team Base secure."
Bind general messages for everyone to read like this.
Eg: bind x "say hahaha."
How to bind things
You can bind keys in two ways.
First, less technical but more hassle, is binding through the Quake console. Follow these steps.
1. Enter a TW server.
2. Hit ~ key to bring down your console.
3. Type the commands then hit enter . Eg: If you want to bind a key to select grappling hook, you would have to type this bind x "impulse 22" where x is the key you wish to bind. Pay attention to the quotes and spaces.
The second way to bind stuff is a bit more tricky but it's a better way.
1. Go to your Quake folder, locate a file called config. (it maybe in your ID1)
2. COPY this file to your CTF folder. And rename it autoexec.cfg .
3. Right click on it and select properties, uncheck the read only box , then click sure.
4. Open your autoexec.cfg and you can type your binds directly in there.
Eg: If you want to bind a key to talk to your teammates only, you would type bind x "messagemode2" where x is the key you wish to bind.
5. Close the file. YOU MUST right click autoexec.cfg and select properties, recheck the read only box. Or you will lose the bindings you just created.
6. Finally, open Gamespy. From the Gamespy menu select player profiles, then select edit. In the box which says Custom CFG file type this: autoexec.cfg.CFG
Thunderwalker Runes
You stay invisible, apart from your eyes until you fire or take damage. Pretty useless except for sniping.
You take 50% less damage. Also, sniper gun is virtually useless against this rune. Great for snipe infested maps like Cheat Complex (twctf1) or Critters (twctf9).
Increases your firing speed. Try it with Quad shotgun. Woo Hoo. Make sure you have plenty of ammo or you will soon end up running around waving your axe. Good defence rune.
Sucks health from your enemies as you fire at them and adds it to your health. Charges to a maximum 200 health.
Some love it, some hate it. It protects you from rockets basically. The downside is you get thrown all over the place byt its deflective power. The best way to kill a player with this rune is by laser or nails. Vamp rune or a well aimed quad rocket also work well. Don't be overawed by it.
TW regen rune charges your health up to 200, doesn't charge armour though.
Doubles your destructive powers. Great for defence. Watch out for your own rox when you are in a tight space.
Armour Rune
As long as you have at least 1 unit of armour. This rune charges it up to 250.
* All runes are good. It's better to have one than none. Use them any way you like. The main purpose is to kill and win. Hehe. *