Welcome to Paradox City, where things are just as they are, and not at all as they seem.  My name is Karla and this is my city, so if you're thinking about causing any trouble you'd better forget it, because I do all the trouble-causing around here.  Take care and enjoy your stay.  
Our Esteemed Mayor (That's Me)
Further Down The Highway (Links Page)
Entertainment (My Movie List Page)
Pride Of The City (My Favorite Things)
Words of Wisdom and Silliness (My Quotation List)
postcards from the edge (photo gallery)

I gladly accept any questions or comments about my webpage, or the weather, or whatever you want to talk about, so please feel free to email me at

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"If you happen to meet a crocodile, don't stick your head in its mouth. Every now and then, and who knows the reason, people ignore this advice, which is sad because they die, but very stupid because they were warned. They had a choice. The moral of the story is this - you can't afford to be stupid. There are crocodiles."
 -from Press Gang

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