Savannah Patricia-Judith Sweeney
{I'm named after my {late}Great Grandma Patricia and my {late} Gamma Judith}

Born Aug 19,1999

The song you are listening to is "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle. {I dedicate it to my Daddy!!!}

Savannah weighed 7lbs 14 ozs and was born at 5:14 a.m.
Savannah made her apperance into the world 2 weeks early.
My husband and I were very surprised to be at the hospital having her.


It all started on Aug 18 at 6:30 a.m. when I woke up having contractions. They were 10-20 minutes apart and lasting 60 seconds. I figured that they were just Braxton Hicks and would go away. Through out the day I tried everything to make them go away, but they were still coming 10-20 minutes.

Around 12:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m. they started coming 5-10 mintues apart and with every contraction it fealt like I had to push. So I went to bed figuring that maybe if I layed down they would settle down and I could get some sleep. While in bed for 15 minutes I had 2 contractions and grabbed my husband so hard that I scared him. I told him that something was wrong and that we better go to the hospital.
The nurse checked me when I arrived and said I was 2cms {which is what I was when I went to my last doc's appointment} and contracting {duh!!}. She talked to the doc and he said that he would send me home with something so I could sleep. The nurse comes back and tells me what the doc said, but they had to keep me in the hospital for 2 hours no matter what. So my husband and I walked around the materinty floor for about 40-45 mintues. Went back to my room and the nurse said she was going to check me before sending me home. She checks me and says she thinks I'm 5-6 cms, but she's not for sure. So she goes and gets the head nurse and she comes in and checks. She says I'm 7-8 cms and going fast.

So here is one nurse calling the doc and trying to get the room ready and the other is trying to get me ready. This whole time here I am telling them they better hurry up cause I need to start pushing, plus begging them for some pain med.

Since they waited so long I never recieved any pain med. They said that I was to far along and by the time it started to work that the baby would be born and the baby would be sleepy. By the time the doc arrived and FINALLY got his scrubs on, 2 pushs later {8 pushs total} Savannah showed her angel face to the world.

I was in shock when the doc asked if we knew that we were having a girl. I thought for sure he was kidding. Through the whole pg I figured we were having a boy, but there she was.