Pilgrims of Faith
 Marian Center (PFMC)
A Religious Association, Inc.
Epiphany House
61 Cooper Road
Voorhees, NJ 08043-4963

Last Updated: 6/15/2009.

Please pray the PFMC Prayer
for us.

Cessation of Activities at 61 Cooper Road.

All PFMC activities at 61 Cooper Road, Voorhees, NJ 08043-4963 except those that support the sale of the property have ceased.
Please pray and help us sell this property as the costs of maintenance continue.
The inventory and all operations of the PFMC have been moved to the home of Keith and Kathleen Werner, 223 Cahnt Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009-9649.
We still travel for ministry.

The June 2007 issue of "The PILGRIM" was probably the last.

Look at our fundraising efforts. We still need support for the PFMC ministries.

PFMC ministry presentations are available.

Phone: 856-768-9228
FAX: 856-768-9428

Please call or visit during the
hours of 10 AM to 4 PM
(Eastern Standard or
Daylight Time)
unless there is an

Praised be Jesus and Mary,
Now and Forever

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The PFMC is a non-profit corporation in the State of New Jersey, United States (US) of America (USA). It has permanent US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code 501(c)(3) tax exempt status and operates entirely on Divine Providence and the donations of those who care enough to support the PFMC goals and objectives. Donations may be collected on the behalf of others specifically to cover the costs for events. As an all volunteer ministry the PFMC is based on a call to Kathleen and Keith Werner in March of 1989. Its goals and objectives include spreading the public messages reported by alleged visionaries in Saint James Parish of Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina. One of the first public messages was that "God Exists and He Loves YOU!"

We had to cancel our Pilgrimage to Medjugorje from 27 May 2008 to 3 June 2008 due to lack of pilgrims. Information sheets were available at 08PPM05. Our agent for pilgrimages is 206 Tours and they posted this Pilgrimage to Medjugorje on their Internet web pages for special pilgrimages. Please contact them at 1-800-206-TOUR (8687) and ask for Kristen Shea. If we have more interest in a pilgrimage in the future we will try to join one of their pilgrimages.

The PFMC tries to maintain links to other Roman Catholic and lay ministry web pages, particularly those favorable to Medjugorje and recognizing the authority of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

Clicking on the underlined words or links in the frame at the left will bring up pictures of the PFMC location or a set of directions with a map on page 2 of 2 of the directions. A description page is available to explain the links and pictures as well as the directions and map.

The PFMCaccepts tax deductible donations for activities such as PRESENTATIONS, RETREATS, and PILGRIMAGES, as well as for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, and RELIGIOUS ARTICLES, displayed as in a CHURCH BOOK RACK. Order forms are available. We have several fundraising efforts underway and would appreciate your support. Please say the PFMC Prayer for us. Please remember all those dear to us, especially Joe Bridgeman and Dom Lettieri.

The Annual PFMC RETREAT CONFERENCE (RC) for 2007 was held on the third weekend in February, Friday (16) through Sunday (18) February 2007 at the Clarion Hotel in Cherry Hill, NJ. The theme for 2007 was "but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:13)[NAB]

Full details were posted at RC 2007 page. Registration forms were available in the 2007 RC Information Packet. A 2007 Compact Disc (CD) and Cassette Tape Order Form has been posted. The attendance on Saturday, 2/17/2007 was estimated to be more than 500. This was in large part due to the fantastic invitations put out at all his retreat appearances by Father Bill Halbing. We had people from Ottowa and Toronto in Canada as well as from those who attended the Fargo, ND Conference. There were also a lot of attendees from those who attend the Holy Masses and Prayer Groups at Saint Antoninus in Newark, NJ. Thanks Father Bill! Thanks also to Maureen Powers and John Madrigale from In His Sign Ministries for allowing us to speak about this event on "Putting It On The Line" on WTMR AM 800 from 5-6 PM Monday-Friday. Thanks to Barbaranne Marion from Marian Communications for allowing us to speak about this event on "As The Spirit Leads" on WTMR AM 800 from 4-5 PM Monday-Friday. Thanks also to Joe Veltri and Friends including Joe Grady from Holy Souls Ministries for allowing us to speak about this event during their time on WTMR AM 800 from 3-4 PM Monday-Friday. Thanks to Rudy Valentino for allowing us to speak about this event during his time on WTMR AM 800 from 3:30-4 PM Friday. Thanks to Jim and Cheryl Manfredoniafor mentioning this event during their time on Domestic Church Media FM 89.3 as well as on their web site which carries their broadcasts over Internet radio. We hope to meet with them all to discuss teaming together for future activities in the Greater Philadelphia / Deleware Valley area. We do not have enough volunteers to continue operations and run more annual events. We hope to team with other ministries to pool volunteers, resourses, and assets so we can have more RETREAT or UNITY CONFERENCES in the future.

A 2006 Compact Disc (CD) and Cassette Tape Order Form was also posted for the 2006 RETREAT CONFERENCE (RC)and YT as well as directions and maps to the Clarion Hotel, Cherry Hill, NJ. This event was held from Friday, 2/17/06 through Sunday, 2/19/06 with Father Bill Halbing and Father Bing Arrellano. The Youth Track was coordinated by the Brothers and Sisters of the Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts from Dover, Delaware.

The PFMC monthly periodical has been called "The PILGRIM" for many years. It has been bulk mailed without subscription cost to all members who can receive US Postal Service (USPS) Bulk Mail. The costs to develop, publish, assemble, and bulk mail "The PILGRIM" average about $3 per issue. We would appreciate donations to help defray this cost. We try to call volunteers to assemble "The PILGRIM" every month. We use guidelines such as January 2007 Assembly Dates. Please help if you can. An excellent book review published in 1993 on the Holy Mass has been available as a special December 2003 edition of "The PILGRIM."

PFMC Association membership is established by written contact for pilgrimages, retreats and/or other PFMC activities. PFMC ssociation membership is maintained current by at least once per year written correspondence with the PFMC.

We appreciate free will and love offerings as often as members can afford them. Monthly donations are especially beneficial for budget planning and we offer to take them by credit card every month. Like all ministries it is particularly hard to make ends meet during the summer months.

The PFMC was recognized by the Burlington County, New Jersey, United Way as a non-profit organization capable of receiving designated funds from the annual United Way Campaign. If you wish to donate via payroll deduction or some other means, please do so. Use the Donor Choice Form and at the bottom under Specific Care write in the portion of your United Way donation that you would like to designate for the PFMC and then write in Pilgrims of Faith Marian Center (PFMC), 61 Cooper Road, Voorhees, NJ 08043-4963, (856) 768-9228 in the spaces provided. The PFMC will receive a check at the end of the year for each campaign in which the Donor Choice Form was completed.

Many linked files on the PFMC web pages use Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) and require downloading of the Adobe Acrobat READER for viewing.

We are still looking for volunteers who will understand and support our goals and objectives. Please pray for this and the possibility that we might continue the PFMC Internet presence. Maintenance of Internet web pages is very time consuming. We would really appreciate support in this area. Please consider helping us with PFMC Internet Web Site management.

Please review the test of the canary color information sheet with special financial support appeal for the PFMC included in the July 2004 issue of "The PILGRIM" and consider supporting the PFMC monthly or as often as your resources permit. The PFMC Healing and Deliverance Ministry will continue and will require contributions or donations for its activities.

©1998 Pilgrims of Faith Marian Center (PFMC), A Religious Association, Inc., All Rights Reserved

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