Ferret Information

This page talks about basic ferret information and links to sites that I find informative. I will include the links at the bottom of the page with a brief discription, so if you don't want to read the paragraphs you can just skip to the bottom of the page. Happy reading! Dook!

The Ferrets scientific name is Mustela furo, or some believe that the ferret is a domesticated version of the European polecat and they prefer Mustela putorius furo. Ferrets have been domesticated for over 3,000 years and it is believed that the Egyptians first domesticated them, but there is also written accounts of an animal that fits the description of a ferret or a domesticated polecat that dates back to 450 B.C. Regardless of where, and by whom, they were domesticated, they're great animals and I love them.
They were used by hunters to flush rabbits from their holes and to get rid of small pests like rats or mice. This was called 'Ferreting'. Ferreting is now illegal in the U.S. but is still practiced in England. I do hear some stories about an animal that resembles a ferret that walks around the streets at night, but that could just be a skunk since they're both members of the weasel family.
Ferrets are very smart animals. They were/are used to run wires through small airplane passageways and underneath the Buckingham Palace. They can also be trained to do lots of other things. They can be taught to be socialized (litter trained), along with other important behaviors. They can also learn to come to their names, a toy, or even the sound of a can of their favorite treat.
Unfortunately, a ferrets life span is not very long. The longest account I'm familiar with is about 10 years. They live between 5-10 years; roughly. There health problems usually start at about 4 years of age; sometimes they're older, and some not at all. I'm not familiar with why they succomb to cancer or other problems yet. That's what I plan to learn about in vet school :) They're just small animals and their bodies may not be able to survive long times; just like hamsters, rats, gerbils, and a lot of other small animals. Regardless, when they are around they sure pack a lot fun into those years! They give me a lot of joy in just 10 minutes...it's not the quantity, it's the quality.
I think I'm done rambling now. Here are the links I promised you! :)

Ferret Links
This is the first and most important link. This is my work. These doctors are all exotic experts. If you live in the area and are interested in finding a good vet who knows a lot about ferrets, come here.
This is the link to a great ferret shelter.
If you live in the Chicagoland area and want to adopt a fuzzy, this is the place for you!
This is a very informative page about anything ferret related.
I rely on this page for a lot of info. :)
This is a charity organization where you can raise money for the GCFA ferret shelter just by going there and shopping!
You can buy all sorts of things for your ferrets here. Harnesses, food, cages, even clothing. I bought my ferrets a santa costume, top hats, even a motorcycle jacket from here!
This page has a lot of links to ferret related sites.
For those of you with ICQ and want to meet other ferret lovers. I am the page owner now, I just acquired it recently. So, if you want your name added, just email me.
That's it for my links...hope they are helpful to you!