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Mervyn Malgas's Out Of Africa

In Memory Of my father, Hans Malgas '27-'97, My Mother Klara '30-'02


My Job

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My Road Running Page!!

Biographical Information

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Work Information

Technical Support Specialist

Well I am a P.C Specialist or a Technical Support Specialist, doing first level support. I am looking after our Goodyear South Africa Wyse Terminals, supporting Production. We have about 350 Users at this site.

These users are realy keeping us busy!

Information Systems

I am working in Information Services for the past 22 years. Starting on the IBM Mainframe as a System Operator and later the HP3000, where I had to support the Hewlett Packard terminals in our Factory. For the last five years I have been involved in P.C support. Setting up New User Accounts . Creating User Profiles On our Citrix Server, we have since changed to Windows terminal Server. Installling Software i.e NT4.0 Workstation . Windows95 and Windows2000 and Windows XP . We are Also installing and supporting Lotus Notes. I have done the Following Courses: Supporting Windows 95 Course ; Lotus Notes Administration; A Plus Hardware and Software Sevice Technician; NT4 Administration and also N Plus

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Contact Information

P O Box 126 Uitenhage 6230 Eastern Cape South Africa

+27 41 9946407

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My Running Page

This is me running the Karoo 21.1 Km In Graaf Reinet EC South Africa, on the 26 February 2000. I have started running in July 1999. After initial "teething" problems, I qualified for the Two Oceans Marathon by running the Friendly City Nashua Marathon on the 29th January 2000, my time 3:45:04. I have since finished the 56Km Two Oceans( 22 April) in a time of 5:33 and are busy preparing for the 2000 Comrades Marathon which will be held on the 16 of June.

Every South african should do this Race at leats once in thire lifetime.This is South Africa's Biggest Ultra and this year a record entries of 24 500 has been received. Running the Comrades... "It's something that changes lives forever and makes those that do it, different.

Not only to others, but to themselves. It takes ordinary people, who struggle to achieve mediocrity and allow others to look up to them in awe."

I have run the COMRADES 2000 Ultra Marathon and it was quite an experience. The spirit, the atmosphere on the day of the race is phenomenal.The race started at five in the morning and it was cold, but after 9 months of training I have qualified to start the "Ultimate Human Race". Although the morning was still covered in "Africa Darkness", there was thousands of spectators lining the route and on bridges, shouting support. It was great and you have to experience it to really understand what Comrades is all about. I started running in July 1999 and after teething problems began to enjoy it so much that the idea of running the comrades started growing in my mind. I really start to enjoy running. My first race was the Netcare 10 KM race on August 9 in Uitenhage, in a time of 53:53 My best time over 10 KM is 0:44:30. For the 15 KM my best time is 1:12:38 My Best time over 21.1 km is 1:42:02 (Jeffrys Bay). My first ever Marathon was the Nashua Friendly City Marathon in which I have qualified to run the Two Oceans and The Comrades. My time in this race 3:45.04. The Comrades was tough but the spirit and the support along the way and my determination to finish has carried me through. I took it slowly towards Cowies Hill and at the half way mark my time was 4:55:39. My knees become sore and soon I had it Strapped by the many Physio points along the route. My time was 11:00:08, if it was not for the extra hour, allowed, our would not have made it. It was a very proud moment to receive my Bronze Medal. In 2001 I have finished in a time of 09:27 ( down run)and in 2002 , my time was 09:47 (uprun)

It is 2006 and I am still running. Comrades was tough as usual, but I have not give up. I had my son and wife to support me and saw them at the half way mark and then at Cato Ridge. I nearly did not run this year and would have been so sorry if I did not . I decided in May month to have my RUN this year. May month was the month in which I had the most training. Comrades is a very enlightening experience. I had less than a thousand kilos in the logbook, but a couple of longruns, two marathons, and a 50 Kilometer Ultra. Comrades has learned me that one cannot go trough life alone you have to "live" with the people around you and you will only strengthen on another. It is not the guy that got the best seeding, C in my case, but the F's and the H's are the people that show one to persevere. My time this year 10:06:13, better than last year's 10:47:27

Two Oceans 2000

Two Oceans 2000

Nashu Herald Friendly City Marathon 2000

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Running is my passion, my great escape, my stress relief .

Biographical Information

I am the son of the late Hans Malgas. He was a Grandfather, a father, a pastor,a teacher and a prophet. He has dedicated his life proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He ran the race, he fought the good fight and he has won. II Tim. 4:7 My mother is still alive and she was the woman behind this man of God. Like all of us is apointed to die once, she died on the 19 November 2002. What a lost.

I live in Uitenhage. This town is known as the Garden City. Uitenhage is home To Volkswagen and Goodyear South Africa and it is these two Companies, together with Hella, Johnson Controls, Colibri and SKF that keep the Industrial Heart beating. South Africa is a good country, with lots of opportunities . Companies tend to turn to Contractors to do the work nowadays. It cuts their overheads, but the poor workers shares they hard earned wages with Employment agencies

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Personal Interests

Some Photos of me and my family

I am a Christian, married to Mercia . We have three kids. Janice, Carol-Ann and Patrick. I love working on computers. My eagerness to help people with P.C problems lead me into this field and into problems with users. But you meet interesting people...... It is very interesting and could be rewarding if you work for the "right " company.

More photos… to follow

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Last Revised: June 2006