Easter's Bonnet

Is that annoying little virtual horse gone? Good.

My name's Easter. I'm a horse. What else is there to say? Do you have carrots? Well, do you? If you don't, I'm going to leave now...

Even though you didn't bring carrots, maybe I'll stay here for a bit. (Eventually, someone may come by who does have carrots!) That's a picture of me and my human. Aren't I a lovely lady? I'm a 1973 champagne Quarter Horse. My sire is Black Super. I trace back to King twice, and I go all the way back to such greats as Man o' War, Equipose, Zantanon, and Shiloh.

My human has traced my Thoroughbred side back farther, all the way to the Godolphin Arabian. We don't have a clue what some of my Quarter Horse lines go back to. Not that it matters to me. Give me a carrot, and I'm happy!

I live on a farm with a gelding named Blaze. Oh yeah, apparently Blaze somehow has his own page too. Pipsqueak is trying to be like me! I don't understand these whipper-snapper geldings sometimes...


Here I am in the newest get-up...an Aussie saddle. For some reason my human thinks that with the Aussie, we look more like a 17th century cavalry unit. Bewteen you and me, I think she's crazy. But don't tell her that...

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