Listen to "Desperado"

Howdy! My name is Blaze. Oh, but I guess you figured that out already. I'm a Quarter Horse/Welsh Pony cross and I was born in 1986. April 27, to be exact. (Send gifts. Lots of gifts!)
I have severe founder in all four hooves. My human tells me its because I eat too much sweet green grass and don't exercise enough. I guess I'm a couch potato, except I don't have a couch and I'm a horse, not a vegetable.

That's my dam. Her name is Sandy. She was sold a few years ago and we don't know what happened to her. I loved her, but she was a very mean horse to the humans, always kicking at them and rearing. That's why she was sold. But my friend Easter is much kinder and even though she's not my dam, she's still a friend.

Wowee! Wasn't I a sweet baby? The doctor didn't have to spank me when I came out!

Yes, it was an awkward time. I'm a weanling in that picture.

Ah, such a handsome devil! This picture must be at least five years old, because you can see my dam, Sandy, in the background.
Thanks for stopping by to visit me! May the wind blow at your back and the trails ahead be clear!
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