<BGSOUND SRC="/wildfire1066/againstallodds.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hi there and welcome to my page.
As you look thru the pages, you'll realize I'm from St. Louis, Missouri so I decided to make a webpage on what I know best. So enjoy and have fun.
This is my dog, her name is Little Bit. I got her when she was 6 weeks old.
The reason being that when we got her she could fit in my hand and not have anything left over.
She's almost 5 now and she still acts like a puppy.
I hang out a lot in the Yahoo chat rooms, specifically Jerrys Diner.
I usually go by the name wildfire_1066.The people are usually pretty nice in there.If you want to visit just click on the Jerrys Diner and just come on in.
The food is unedible but the company and atmosphere are the best.
See Ya Soon.