Hi, my name is Khristi,

Some of you may know me as Roz_, in VPlaces.
Welcome to my first webpage.
I hope this will be the first of many more to come.

I live in the White Mountains of Arizona
To me, no words could ever describe the beauty of this mountain.
So I won't even try.
But one of the things that makes this mountain such a place of beauty is the
Wild Mountain Roses
they grow in places that no other rose could survive.
This page tells a story of those roses.

Wild Mountain Roses

A Wild Mountain Rose is not the prettiest of all roses,
Nor is it the sweetest of the line.
A Wild Mountain Rose is not big in size,
The stems reach not to touch the sky.
And even though it is not so easy to idenify to many
A rose it is all the same.
It has to endure, what others can not.
The frozen wind and rains of Winter,
the thunderous heat, and little water in Summer.
Some say a Rose is a Rose
and they are all the same. But a Wild Mountain Rose,
well, you just can't tame.
A Wild Mountain Rose is unforgiving in touch,
she is to be valued only for the beauty of such.
So when you are out and tromping around and a
Wild Mountain Rose you think you've found.
Don't reach to pluck it from the stem
For many a thorns, it sheilds within.
Stand back and admire it for the secrets it holds
The Strength and the Beauty, Blessed by the Lord.


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