Silly Innocuous Inane

I am sometimes a silly person. Just ask me! :) This page is dedicated to those who do not believe that Christians can have fun...

I apologize, most sincerely, in advance for the contents of this page. It may offend some of the more sensitive readers and this statement serves as a pre-warning warning.

I apologize for making the previous insincere apology. I actually meant that you should read this page in order to learn more about what in the world is really funny. (NOT!)

(I apologize for the previous apology. It was in error and will not be repeated.)

Think about this: What if we could pave the whole earth? Oceans, mountains, polar ice, everything paved with a nice, thick coating of asphalt. Well, OK this wasn't my original idea, I admit. I got it from a USENET newsgroup called alt.pave_the_earth. But hey, what a neat concept: a nice, flat-black, 8-ball earth, floating in space. You could drive in any direction and at any speed and rarely worry about hitting anything in your way. No annoying double-yellow lines. No bothersome traffic signs or signals (hey, how come the word "signals" is not pronounced "sine-alls"? Anyway, I digress...).

And for my next trick... let's Chrome the Moon!

I like smiley faces (:) ;-) :o)), absurd humor, Monty Python, funny words (like thingy, for instance, and booger), puns, palendromes, redundancy, redundancy, word associations (herd floatation), typing words in italics and bold, and other things that I can do and still be religious. ;) My wife says that I'm sarcastic, but I think I'm the most lovable, generous, healthy, trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent guy around (and a good Boy Scout, too).

But enough about me. No really. Well, OK if you insist. I also like to go camping and catch fish (I didn't say fishing did I?) and I like being goofy with my two sons. It's not hard to do, really. :) :) I also like talking with other people on IRC and typing funny things like "booger", "*snort*" and "Bwahahahahaaaa...", and singing praise songs with the keyboard. If you don't know what IRC is about, click here to find out! No, click here! No, here, really. You can usually find me on the undernet #christian channel. I'll be named Bryan1900 - I'm not quite Y2K compliant yet.

The following form will have your results emailed to me. I'll then post them on the "other people laugh" page. I think. Well, try it and find out.

What makes you laugh?

What makes you laugh?

Type in your name:

Type in your email address:

Are you:

  1. Animal
  2. Vegetable
  3. Mineral

If you checked one of the above, what type of ______ are you?

Waddya want on your pizza?

  1. Pepperoni.
  2. Sausage.
  3. Anchovies.
  4. Extra cheese.
  5. Onions.
  6. Mushrooms.
  7. Gravel.
  8. Forest Humus.
  9. Asphalt.

Click here to see what makes other people laugh!

Here is a silly question to ruminate on until you come back to this page again. I'll update the answer and pose a new question every so often... (of course I haven't updated the question since March 1996, but hey)

Last question's answer:

Why is hair curly?

Hair is curly because it is genetically made in a flat shape rather than in a round shape. Perfectly round hair, such as the hair seen on the scalps of Native Americans, is straight and has no tendency to curl. However, ribbonlike hair on the scalps of blacks is clearly seen to curl because it is oval in construction.

The current question:

Why do dogs tilt their heads when you talk to them?

Click here to see past silly questions and answers!

Source: Do Penguins Have Knees?, by David Feldman

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