Use this page to find if we have any common organizations
we've been in together. If so, send me email and say HI! If
you've stumbled onto this page via a web searcher, then take a
look at my home page for its purpose!
These are the groups I've been involved in:
- Colebrook
Elementary School, Irondequoit, NY (1967-1971)
- Here's a picture of me
in third grade. From left to right it's Todd
McGrain, Alan Zugehar, Bryan Cass and David
- Iroquois
Middle School, Irondequoit, NY (1971-1975)
- Irondequoit
High School, Irondequoit, NY (1975-1976) (and WIRQ
radio station there)
- Mission
Viejo High School, Mission Viejo, CA (1976-1979)
- Saddleback
College, Mission Viejo, CA (1979-1982, 1984)

- Santa
Ana College, Santa Ana, CA (1982-1983)

- Cal State Fullerton,
Fullerton, CA (1983-1990)

- Here's my graduation picture,
31 May 1990. Left to right are my "Aunt"
Doris Burke, grandma Muriel Simons, brother
Robert Cass, Bryan Cass, wife Diane Cass and her
sister Joyce Douglas.
- Mission
Viejo High School Band, Mission Viejo, CA (1976-1979)
- I'm the third tuba player from the left in this picture of the band at
the Santa Monica Band Revue in Fall 1976.
- I also played tuba in the wind ensemble, on stage
(far right) in this picture,
around 1978.
- Long Beach Junior Concert
Band (LBJCB), Long Beach, CA (1977-1979)

- Here's the Sousaphone section
just as we arrived back home after a 8 day
concert tour of Hawaii in August 1977. Clockwise
from top left: Mike Casey, Chuck Stout, Alex
Antal, Bryan Cass, Steve Prieto.
- Last Generation of
Syncopated Drummers (LGSD), Long Beach, CA (1979-1981)
- This is a good picture of
me and my best friends in LGSD uniform, before a
parade in Los Angeles in 1979. Left to right:
Bryan Cass, Roger Davis, Joe Cleland.
- Vergennes
City Band, Vergennes, VT (1994-2003)
- Little
City Jazz Band (LC Jazz), Vergennes, VT (1995-2003)

- Irondequoit Hockey League, Irondequoit, NY (1971-1976).
Find me in these team pictures from:
- 1971-1972. List of
- Left to Right, Kneeling: M. Gleason, S.
- Sitting: B. Cass, J. Jessmer, M. Britton,
G. Cargnes, M. Cargnes
- Standing: W. Stephan, ass't coach, B.
Stephan, B. Haggen, J. Britton, ass't
coach, E. Wilczewski, M. Rothschild,
- 1972-1973
- Left to Right, Kneeling: M. Lins, J.
Chase, M. Michauo, M. McAlpin, J. Jesmer
- Seated: Dr. W. Stephan, Coach, D. Holt, J.
Lehmann, M. Britton, B. Stephan, J. Reid,
J. Britton, Ass't Coach
- Standing: S. Rowe, M. Ryan, R. Liwush, B.
Jesmer, Ass't Coach, M. Cappiello, T.
Lehmann, B. Cass
- 1974-1975
- 1975-1976
- Red Armstong Youth Hockey League, Rochester, NY (1975-1976)
- Cub Scout Pack 227, Irondequoit, NY (1969-1972?)
- Here's a picture of our
Memorial Day Parade contingent in May 1970 or
1971. I think I'm the second from the left (above
"PACK") holding up the banner.
- Boy Scout Troop 227, Irondequoit, NY (1972-1974?)
- Royal
Rangers Outpost Commander, Assembly
of God Christian Center, Vergennes, VT (1995-2003)
- Charter volunteer firefighter in Orange County Fire Department
at Station
24, Mission Viejo, CA. (1982-1983)
Here's a picture, taken around
September 1982, of the first FSV (Fire Suppression
Volunteer) crew at station 24! List of names:
- Left to Right, Standing: Bryan Cass, Tim Doherty,
Mark Cochran, Karen Hoover, Dave Carlson, Jeff
Wilkins, Craig Fleetwood, Mike Reinhold, Harvey
Boelts, Chris Leonard
- Kneeling: Tom Dickinson, Steve Rahn, Dana Kemper,
Nolan Osborn, Mark Ellis, Karl Schmutz, Devin
- Not pictured: Tom Hobbs, Steve Horner, Steve
Lloyd, Bill Ryan, Casey Kleindienst
Also, see my resumé.
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