
My Religious Beliefs

Please excuse some of the Christian jargon, there are some concepts that I just cannot express without it, but I will try to present my beliefs in as plain a way as possible:

I believe that God exists and that He has revealed himself to mankind through nature and through the inspired writings of the Holy Bible. I believe that mankind was created in God's spiritual image and was intended to live directly with Him, but fell short of God's plan by disobeying Him (sinning). However, God provided a way for reconciliation with Him by coming to earth as a man (Jesus) and, being sinless, sacrificing His life in mankind's stead for his sins. By accepting that this sacrifice has "purchased" my "salvation", I am "redeemed" from the penalty of sin, which God has declared will be eternal separation from Him upon death.

Are you ready to make that commitment yourself? Here's a pretty good explanation of why you can honestly believe that there is a God. If I was going to write a tract, I would have written one like this.

I have accumulated a few World Wide Web sites regarding the Christian faith that I have found interesting. Most are pro-Christian and others present the atheistic viewpoint. I have found that reading the atheistic arguments has caused me to think about what and why I believe and has strengthened my faith in God. Beware, though; honest seekers of God frequently find Him!

Here's some general information on religions, and a good starting point for research into several different belief systems:

These Web sites offer biblical information:

Here are some sites from an atheistic viewpoint:

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