Welcome to the Outpost Organizer support page! Here you will find help and news regarding the Outpost Organizer program for Windows®. You can see the Change Log for this software here.
You will need a program, like WinZIP, to unzip the following files.
Outpost Organizer Version 1.0 has been released as "Shareware". Shareware is a marketing method, not a type of software or even strictly just a distribution method. For more information on what shareware is, go here. However, you will notice that there are no time or other limitations in the program; you can use its full power for as long as you want.
I wrote this program for my own use in my Royal Rangers outpost. It has helped me keep track of the boys' advancements and our outpost activities. If you find that it is useful to you as well and would like to register the program, you can click on the Paypal button below or send payment to my mailing address and make a donation. If you let me know what name you registered the program under, I will send you a registration ID that you can enter to officially register the program. Suggested donation is $49.95. Thank you!
Bryan Cass
Outpost Organizer. Copyright. 2002 Bryan Cass, All Rights Reserved.