Maine Township High School East
Class of 1979 Reunion
click on the thumbnail photo to see the big picture
These are from Friday, September 17, 1999 at Joe's
on Weed Street in Chicago
Thats where we gathered to hear "Bob's Yer Uncle"
the band that 3 alumni are now in
Bill Henshell, Phil Barish, ( both class of '79)
and Mark "Jaxon" Treitman ( class of '80)
Bill Henshell
Bob's Yer Uncle
Phil Barish
Mark "Jaxon" Trietman
Margie, Drew, Dean, Becky and their friend
Drew ,Me and Bill
Me and Phil
Bill, Margie and Trent
Drew, Me and Cindy
Margie, Bill and Drew
The Masters Sisters
Phil, Me and Bill
Next when we recovered from Saturday mornings hangovers, we had a pre-party party at Cathy's house
(Hmmmm, somethings familiar about that....)
The Gang ( missing a few) at Cathys
Denise and Margie
Okay, enough goofing around. Next came the great timeless test to see if you still look like you did in High School or if you've really aged.
(or maybe you've had a bit of a nip and tuck...)
Me and Drew...over the years and across the miles, still friends
Me and Carol...another person I regreted loosing touch with.
Mike and I both got to meet our heros
Jackie has'nt changed since we were in "Brownies" together
Except she ditch the pony tails
Bill and Margie....
And everybody still wants to party with her!
Me , Margie and yet another Bill
Ted "Corky" and Stuart
Stuart punched me in the mouth in 3rd grade
(You had to know I was going to put that in there Stu...)
Bill and Me
Phil and Bill...they clean up good
Scott, he pulled my dress up on the
playground once to see my underpants.
Well, at least he did'nt try that this time...

The alumni from Mark Twain Elementary School
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