I visited Slaton Saints on July 3, 1998. Although Shirley and Joe Wolf were at a show (they said I could stop by anyway) and Linda Bulicz had to watch a bitch in labor, I was given a nice tour by Elizabeth Salewsky. Here are some of the nice dogs I met that day. Shirley has more dogs, but these were the ones I played around with! :)
Slaton Saints
Shirley & Joe Wolf
362 State Route 60
Greenwich, Ohio 44837
(419) 929-0465

Shirley & Joe Wolf

  Slaton Puppy
Slaton puppies #1
Slaton puppies #2
  An 8 week old puppy
Some 8 week old
Same 8 week old
Click on the photo for a larger view
Lucky Penny
Ragsz to Riches
Lucky Penny
Ragz to Riches
Wildfire with pups #1
Wildfire with pups #2
Wild fire with 4 day
old puppies
Close up of the 4
day old puppies
This dog's name is
On The Sports Page
Here are a couple photos I took of Trusts Gentle Ben V Slaton at the 1999 National Show. Shirley with Ben Joe with Ben
Shirley with Ben
at the 1999 National
Joe with Ben
at the 1999 National
For more recent photos of more Slaton dogs,
go to the 1999 National Show or the 99 Buckeye Show

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