Ritchie Valens

Obviously I am a BIG fan of Ritchie Valens! These are my favorite Valens sites:

Del-Fi Records has one of the largest most informative Ritchie Valens sites on the net! And rightfully so since Ritchie recorded on the Del-Fi label. There's tons of good info and pics and all of Ritchie's music. Click on the link below to get there and you can cast your vote to get Ritchie into the Hall of Fame while you're there!

This next site is owned by my bud Kathy who is an avid fan of Ritchie Valens. Her page is loaded with great pics and some rare articles to boot. Click on the link below to get to one of the best sites on the net!

Please visit "The Hankster" for the most touching and realistic writing on Ritchie Valens that this internet has to offer!

The Surf Ballroom located in Clearlake, Iowa is the last place Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly, and The Big Bopper performed. The show was called "The Winter Dance Party Tour" and each year during the first weekend in February the Surf Ballroom holds the annual "Winter Dance Party Tribute". This is truly a blast from the past! Click on the link below to get to the Surf, then get yourself there in February, 1999 for the 40th anniversary Tribute!


Los Lobos!!!! Just another band from East LA??? HA!!! I see these guys whenever they ROCK San Diego!!!

Country Hot Licks

Ladies, if this don't turn you Country, what will? Danny is HOT! HOT! HOT! Click on the link below to hear some hot country tunes!

Patsy fans, click on the link below to hear Logan Wells' tribute to Patsy. She is awesome!

Shopping Anyone?

A girl has got to eat, got to breathe, and she's GOT to SHOP!!!!! At least that's what I was told! Click on the link below to go to one of two of my favorite shopping places on the net ...... QVC!!!

There's nothing I like better in an auction than a fierce bidding war for some of the best bargains on the net! Click on the link below and get addicted.....get EBAY!



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