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- 03/10/00 13:43:46


Red-Neck Rosie - 02/21/00 23:54:59
My Email:Davis-4-la@dellnet .com
Tank size?: 4.3 acres
Was this helpful?: not yet
How long in hobby?: 10 years
Best fish in non-reef?: perch
Best fish in reef tank?: large mouth bass

(Must read with a thick red-neck accent) How much salt do you recomend for for 4.3acre outdoor "tank" so that it will look like one of them there cystally-blue cement ponds? Our city-fied kin will be here soon and will be so impressed. Please answer quick-like.

Christy - 02/21/00 23:35:36
My Email:Davis-4-LA@dellnet.com
Tank size?: no tank


AmyCougar - 01/08/00 14:04:07
My URL:http://www.amycougar.com
My Email:AmyCougar@wireco.net

I use to have a small 10 gallon tank with goldfish, black mollies and those red wags (is that right?) but they all eventually died and I packed all my stuff away. Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my Days web page and I'll be posting your comments o the picks and pans page. I just think Twiggy Nicole is "Blech"!

Alex - 06/04/99 14:52:49
My URL:http://beagle.colorado.edu/~chenq/alex
My Email:qing@lucent.com
Tank size?: 10 gallons
Was this helpful?: kind of
How long in hobby?: 1 week
Best fish in non-reef?: I don't have non-reef
Best fish in reef tank?: Comet Goldfish

Why did my goldfish die? There was no trace of ammonia, the ph was okay, Only a trace of nitrate, and sometimes why do fish hang out in the bottom of the tank?

Alex - 06/04/99 14:41:04
My URL:http://beagle.colorado.edu/~chenq/alex
My Email:qing@lucent.com
Tank size?: 10 gallons
Was this helpful?: kind of
How long in hobby?: 1 week
Best fish in non-reef?: I don't have non-reef
Best fish in reef tank?: Comet Goldfish

Why did my goldfish die? There was no trace of ammonia, the ph was okay, Only a trace of nitrate, and sometimes why fish hang out in the bottom of the tank.

KAY KERNS - 03/31/99 22:44:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com./~bluedamsel
My Email:kkerns@webtv.net
Tank size?: 38 gal
Was this helpful?: some
How long in hobby?: 22 yrs
Best fish in non-reef?: TIGER BARBS
Best fish in reef tank?: YELLOW TANG


Grophle Guizenmman - 03/21/99 00:04:46

Hallo. Ich mag Ihr homepage. Es ist interessant. Wie lang sind Sie auf dem Internet gewesen? Sowieso gehe ich aus, mehr Netzseiten zu surfenen. Gutes Glück!.

Sid Bartle - 01/24/99 02:17:24
My URL:http://www.omen.net.au/~sid
My Email:sid@omen.net.au
Tank size?: 60.5 gal or 230 L
Was this helpful?: So So
How long in hobby?: 3 Months
Best fish in reef tank?: False Clown


Chris - 11/14/98 07:12:07
My URL:http://www.goldweb.com.au/~joevioli/tropical.htm
My Email:joevioli@goldweb.com.au
Tank size?: 150g , 75g , 50g
Was this helpful?: :-)
How long in hobby?: 2 years
Best fish in non-reef?: Angel
Best fish in reef tank?: Angel


Slava - 10/28/98 22:20:18
My Email:miskg@eunet.yu
Tank size?: 35g
How long in hobby?: 5month
Best fish in reef tank?: yellowtail damsel

Beauty tank! Congratulations from Serbia! Slava

Gwen Rockey - 10/25/98 00:42:05
My Email:gwen@ns.sympatico.ca
Tank size?: from5gallon to 75
Was this helpful?: yes
How long in hobby?: 8months


Allen Casady - 10/24/98 08:04:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~discus_man/index.html
My Email:packard233@uswest.com
Tank size?: 75
Was this helpful?: yes
How long in hobby?: 3 years
Best fish in non-reef?: Niger Trigger
Best fish in reef tank?: Coral Beauty Angel

I like your tank. I hope that in ten years mine with look like that.

daddy - 10/23/98 03:11:04
Tank size?: 10
Was this helpful?: yes
How long in hobby?: 38yrs
Best fish in non-reef?: beta

it looks great son.. easy to use and manuver around love you all see ya....

sheryl abrams - 10/22/98 19:50:44


Derek - 10/17/98 04:29:49
My Email:DerekR1@VERTONET.com
Tank size?: 75 and 10
How long in hobby?: 11 years
Best fish in non-reef?: Trigger's
Best fish in reef tank?: Clowns


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