Born on a Bayou 
Baton Rouge |
Midnite Cowboy |
Story Telling 
Louisiana |
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids |
Fire Side Cowboy Chats to Make You Laugh and Cry |
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These Stories are fire side chats about almost any
subject. Scroll down to review the cowboy and other chat subjects.
This hyar is my
house, it may not be normal but it is mine.
Sorry is, sorry does. Stooped is Stopped does.
Life is like a box of chocolates, that is what my momma always used to say. You never know
what you are gonna get.
All right, This is different.
If you got here by a search, for blueberries, whatever, you are in the right place. This
is the OLE Storyteller to tell you stories of all kinds, and to teach you how to search
the web, search personal home pages, how to make your page number one on the search
engines, and how to write web pages. Will also write your web pages and scan your
Just a few words about my name.
When I was a little whiper snapper, just knee high to a grasshopper, I used to stay awake
late into the wee wee morning hours listening to the static fade in and out and Harry
Carray broadcasting the Saint Louis Cardinals and Stan Musial baseball games. When Harray
wasn't there, I listened to the MidniteCowboy.
Bill Mack was the gravel in your
throat, slow West Texas Drawling, MidniteCowboy, the storytelling country music Dee Jay
for WBAP, Fort Worth Dallas. He came on the static of the airways at precisely midnight
and he would interview the singers passing by the station located near the Cow Palace in
Fort Worth. They would come into the station and sing songs live or just exchange stories
with the MidniteCowboy. I think they all stopped by, Johnny Cash, Earnest Tubbs, Willy
Nelson, hundreds.
This is a personal home page From
When the singers were not in the
station, Bill would talk to the people all over the country that would regularly phone
into the station. They would tell the most amazing stories. Some of you may remember Bill
Mack. He was on the TV show, Country Crossroads with Jerry Clovers from Yazoo City,
Mississippi. I wonder how ole Mercelle Leadbetter is doing these days.
Well in the tradition of
storytelling, and Bill Mack, I give you the Midnite Cowboy of the internet. I hope you
like my stories.
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But first a word from our sponsor
The Ketchup Advisory Board.
Did your dog eat your homework on the way to
school? Did you find out your Windows 95 file fell off your computer? Did you forget your
email password? Did you find out that all your children were switched at birth? Well you
ain't getting enough ketchup. All of those things happen to me at least once a week. So I
just run down to Winn Dixie and buy 35 pounds of Community Coffee and 24 bottles of
ketchup. Then it becomes a lovely day in the neighborhood. A friend gave me her new
computer just because she missed the sounds of the keys clicking on her typewriter. The
teacher believed my story about the dog eating my homework. I found out I had saved my
password when I registered for email. And when I met my real kids, I found out they were
awful. So I decided to keep the awesome kids I already had.
Y'all folks ken read any of my pages in the original
redneck dialect by clicking this link. Just cut the url of this page, and paste in the url
of any of my pages. You will be proficient in redneck in minutes.
This is a personal home page From
For a written transcript of these
pages, just send a self addressed, stamped envelope, and a check for $20,000. Please allow
at least one year for shipping and handling.
This is an old fashioned web page, you will
need to scroll down to read it. Scroll on down the page or do the find on this page
thingie. Thanks for coming. You will travel right back through the 1920,s to the
present day. We will cover Yahoos, outlaws, gangsters, wars, and even a few current
events such as the environment, adoption, abortion, and gun control, crime, and even
murder. You will laugh and cry at the stories, images and the photographs of a
photojournalist. I love photos images, sounds, and music. I have created large files that
tend to download very slow. So sit back, have a beer or another cup of Java
and enjoy the show. Again these animation take time. Your browser will pause here a couple
of minutes. Then you may scroll down the page. Have fun.
This is a personal home page From
click here if you need someone to do a home page for you
novel- Blue Bayou Days- The Summer of 61- go back in time - you can't read this
without being changed- now available for purchase on line
Have you ever dreamed of being a model?
Do you need someone to take your wedding photos?
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Howdy, I am the MidniteCowboy
About The Midnite Cowboy
My ICQ Number is
57295199 for the Midnite Cowboy
Better known as Butch Cassidy
and these are the sundance kids. Sit back and put your feet up while I whittle on this
twig with this bowie knife and take you on a story telling trip down the mighty Mississip.
I am an American, a mixture of Scott, Irish, German, and Choctaw Indian, the tribe of
farmers, and redneck
This is me

and this is Heather, she
loves to get tickets, I hate to get tickets

Can it be that man can disappear
From life and live another time
And does the mystery deepen 'cause you think
That you yourself lived in that other time.
Once I was an outlaw, Me
and the Sundance Kid
and the Sundance Kid, and autobiography of my outlaw years in the old west for outlaw

pictures of heather, cajun
recipes,Cajun cooking, order cajun food,cajun music, real music not just midi,cajun jokes
sound files Louisiana
Cajun Cooking, Mardi Gras,
Live Cajun Radio
Tributes to little known American Heros
Duke Andrepont died
yesterday. He was 80 and invented off set printing for newspapers for adding color
The life and
times of Roddy White, my grand father contains historical photos from the Louisiana and
Texas 1940's
Rouge, Louisiana Stories to Make You Laugh and Cry |

Subjective Index or Table of Contents
searching this page and the web
About The Midnite Cowboy
My ICQ Number is
57295199 for the Midnite Cowboy

Can it be that man can disappear
From life and live another time
And does the mystery deepen 'cause you think
That you yourself lived in that other time.
Once I was an outlaw, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and autobiography of my outlaw years
in the old west for outlaw rednecks
Purchase an a propane igniter for comercial
uses for flares, boilers, land clearing, crawfish boils, and fun. The Whitlow Igniter
Whatever happened to old fashioned friendship and common
My novel: Blue Bayou Days, The Summer of 61
my photo
more poetry
Angola prison, lake
photos, the movie I was in, "The Old Man"
where I work
smoke school, all about
air pollution, method 9, opacity, air quality and environmental quality you can
take this free class to learn how to be a professional bounty hunter for the environmental
protection agency
Peaches Beaux, the girl
next door
blueberry season * picking
hours * pricing * employment * lot
rentals * summer jobs* boy scouts * girl scouts * church
funding * baseball and team sports funding * garden plot rentals
Do you have low back pain? Then listen to my story
Momma's Antique
and Collectibles online store
My novel- Blue
Bayou Days- The Summer of 61- go back in time - you can't read this without being
changed- now available for purchase on line
Are you in the business of fire, flame,
gas, land clearing, or safety? You ought to see my igniter.
click here if you need someone to do a home page for you
Midnite Cowboy
Fireside chats of Butch Cassidy, Born on
a Bayou from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Table of Contents
This page works best on Internet Explorer. If you have Internet Explorer, you
will see scrolling menus about the subject of each link. On Netscape, you will see a
glob of subject words above each link.
Everything you want to know
about Butch Cassidy, the Midnite Cowboy. And some of the things you didn't really want to
know. Photos, bio and more.. Also my family and friends.
Blueberries, are good
for you, and fun to pick. Come to Redwood Creek Farm and spend the day.
My heroes ain't always been
cowboys/Tributes to little known American Heroes
Louisiana , Baton Rouge, and Mardi Gras
Scenic Louisiana
Cajun and Louisiana Favorites pages Cajun cooking, red-beans and rice,
Creole cooking
History, and Social Studies, Early 1900s American and Louisiana history
Humor, jokes, funny stories
War And Peace pages
Today's social issues (head lice,
murder, criminal injustice, death sentence, adoption, abortion, environment, gun control
Wildlife and Fisheries
Aliens,UFOs, space ships and dogs
Tragic touching stories about real everyday people I have known
Momma's antique and junk store, buy or sell something here
Baseball, Football,
Music, Wav files, lyrics, midi files, sound files, live coverage of LSU
Sports, live Cajun radio stations, National Public Radio
Computer help, WebPage design
help, internet tips, photo scanning, ICQ online chat
Give Away's, freebees
Romance, sensual, nonsensical,
nonsense and nonessential
Midnite Cowboy
Redwood Creek Blueberry Farm

redwood creek blueberry
farm maps recipies, information
season * picking hours *
pricing * employment * lot rentals * summer jobs*
boy scouts * girl scouts * church funding * baseball and team
sports funding * garden plot rentals

Picking blueberries is easy pickings. click here to see why
wild life and farm life at Redwood Creek Farm
a girl behind every
blueberry bush
tomatoe stakes and bean poles for sale
aliens, spaceships and dogs at redwood creek farm
some Louisiana wildlife and fisheries that you may see at Redwood
Creek Blueberry Farm
Scientific Research on The Health Benefits of Blueberries
blueberries are good for you. here is why
Horticulture Tips for especially for you
aliens,UFOs, space ships and dogs
Midnite Cowboy
aliens,UFOs, space ships and dogs
Boudreaux and Thibodeaux are Martians at the Gas Pump
Some tips on searching this page
and the web and some other computer related pages. This is not a commercial web site. I am
just interested in having a little fun and seeing that you have fun as well. Email me if
you like what you see. Please tell me which pages were your favorite and why.
Midnite Cowboy
Is your computer broke, let me fix it
speed up your computer
searching this page and the web
If you are in Baton Rouge, then I can help you with your computer
how to make your computer faster
how to copy
and paste the many animations and photographs on my pages and other pages on the internet.
Click here if you want to
know how to make your pages come up number one on the search engines when someone enters
key words
download icq, how to download ICQ,a chat
My ICQ number is 57295199
Do you need some photographs taken or
scanned for your home page for a dollar an image? lets just make that
Have you ever dreamed of being a model?
Do you need someone to take your wedding photos?
Butch's Photo Scanning
click here if you need
someone to do a home page for you
Click here for more
details about ordering home pages or web pages
Do you need some
sound files or sound wav for you home page or just to listen to and laugh at like the duck
Register your home page with the major search engines with a few
short clicks of the mouse
Click here if you want to
know how to make your pages come up number one on the search engines when someone enters
key words
great artistic home
page back grounds and animations
clip art
Remember when cell phones cost $1,000 plus
the service. It was bound to happen. Now you can get a free computer. For use on the
internet and other uses. All for just a $20 a month connection fee. Here is a list
of the companies I am aware of the links.
These companies offer free internet service
connections if you view their advertisement in a small window you can close.
Tributes to little known American
Midnite Cowboy
My heros ain't always been cowboys/Duke Andrepont died yesterday.
He was 80 and invented off set printing for newspapers for adding color photographs
The life and
times of Roddy White, my grand father contains historical photos from the Louisiana and
Texas 1940's
Bonnie and
Clyde ambush in Arcadia this is the story of The Ambush of Bonnie and Clyde and
it is also a tribute to my daddy. You would have loved him.
Tiffany Binkley, an
8 year old girl ran over at the spanish town mardi gras parade
Don Binkley, Tiffany's Uncle shot and killed in hunting accident
in Union Parish Louisiana near Farmerville.
History, and Social Studies,
Early 1900s Louisiana and American History
Midnite Cowboy
Can it be that man can disappear
From life and live another time
And does the mystery deepen 'cause you think
That you yourself lived in that other time.
Once I was an outlaw, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Bonnie and
Clyde ambush in Arcadia, my uncle used to play marbles with Clyde's younger
brother. This page was first written by my daddy who was a cop and knew the sherrif that
set up the ambush.
World War 2 letters, My
Uncles Story from his own pen
My grandfather's
duck stamps collection. I wouldn't be surpirsec if you saw Marilyn Monroe on this page.
The life and
times of Roddy White, my grand father contains historical photos from the Louisiana and
Texas 1940's
hunting license in
the 40's
mark twain, tom
sawyer, huck fin and becky thatcher
Duke Andrepont died
yesterday. He was 80 and invented off set printing for newspapers for adding color
From the
Gardening Expert
Tip of the day?
Horticulture tip:
You can lead a hor to culture
But you cant make her think.
Humor, jokes, funny stories
Real horticulture tips
Humor, jokes, funny stories
Midnite Cowboy
Female Wanted By Millionaire
Warning, to parents. In 1953 a few of these
jokes would be of semi adult in nature. Warning, the jokes I tell are strong enough for a
man but are made for a woman who used to be a man. Warning to teen agers. The jokes are
not that adult.
Boudreaux jokes
Boudreaux and Thipodeaux are Martians at the gas pump
My poetry- The Shades of
Horticulture tips from Butchie
The day I went to an English nudist camp
everybody loves jello
a girl behind every
blueberry bush at redwood creek blueberry farm
aliens,UFOs, space ships and
gun control and the
Brady law
go figger it, nothing from
nothing = nothing, and this page proves it
The no legged squirrel
deer hunting in
Louisiana can be dangerous to your health. come see, you will laugh at this
shades of night were falling fast

Cajun and Louisiana Favorites
Midnite Cowboy
Boudreaux jokes
Cajun Cooking
Cajun Culture
Cajun music
scenic Lousiana, Lake
Bistineau State Park
Peaches Beaux, the girl next door
Louisiana links
LSU, Geaux Tigersm, Louisiana State University
official page of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Louisiana ozone advisories and predicitons
Traffic Scan live
Baton Rouge Louisiana weather
Baton Rouge Yellow pages
Rouge Advocate Newspaper
Search for anything in Baton Rouge
quick links that are important for
you to see
Momma's Antique
and Collectibles online store
My novel- Blue
Bayou Days- The Summer of 61- go back in time - you can't read this without being
changed- now available for purchase on line
Are you in the business of
fire, flame, gas, land clearing, or safety? You ought to see my igniter.
Cajun midi files
more cajun midi
click here if you need someone to do a home page for you

Midnite Cowboy
Mardi Gras
Tiffany Binkley, an 8 year old girl ran over at the spanish town
mardi gras parade
Links to New Orleans Mardi Gras photos, web pages, hotel
reservations, schedules and more
Scenic Louisiana, Lake Bistineau State park
Louisiana Links
Baton Rouge Links
Midnite Cowboy
The movie I was in,
"The Old Man"
gone with the wind, hush hush sweet charlotte
Gone with the wind
Tom Hanks
Music, Wav files, lyrics, midi
files, sound files, live coverage of LSU Sports, live cajun radio stations, National
Public Radio
Midnite Cowboy

of ourselfs, John Prime
Wedding bells
are ringing in the chappel, John Rrime
Take the ribbons from your
hair, jerry lee lewis or
The day I met Ronnie Milsap
Live Cajun zydeco
music buy, listen, on line radio stations wav, real player
Live coverage of LSU Sports
Imagine by John Lennon Lyrics, midi
and the band played waltzing matilda, a war protest song from way back
Hank Williams Jr,
Honky Tonkin Lyrics
Hank Williams Jr, Women I
never had Lyrics
Hank Williams sound files
wav, midi
Hank Williams, Singing
Wearing out your walking shoes wav
Bob Dylan sings Hurricane, a protest against criminal injustice. He could
have been the champion of the world.
Walton and Johnson Comic Radio Show, Baton Rouge and New Orleans
Put some variety in your life. Getting
tired of listening to your same old CDs while you are on the Internet. Ever wonder what it
was like to listen to old fashioned radio and not have a television. Be informed, let your
heart be warmed. Listen to OLE fashioned storytellers. Check out National Public Radio.
Public Radio, home page
Programs on line
A Prairie
Home Companion, Ole Fasioned Storyteller, Garrison Keillor
and Clack, Car Talk, Learn about problems with your car and die laughing
Your caress is my command
Click Here to actually hear Fabio quote this and other lovable things. wav
My Ding-A-Ling by
Little Richard, Rock and Roll Lyrics
Arlow Guthry, Alice's
Restaurant Lyrics
Click here to hear real audio of a melody of
Gene Autry songs.real player
I said Play It again Sam.
lost with bob dylan on
highway 61, a senic view of natchez,mississippi, saint francisville, dog wood trees,
historic homes adventure, also lyrics to highway 61 revisited
rainy day women, bob
dylan lyrics
Sara, Lyrics by Bob Dylan
The book of Bob, Lyrics to
Bob Dylan songs
more music for you.
daddy's eyes midi
Eric Clapton and
Grateful Dead sound wavs
midi farm
Sound Clips
midi wav is where you can hear Forest Gump say stoopid is stopid does and lots of other
funny sounds
other links that will help you make it through the day
Momma's Antique
and Collectibles online store
My novel- Blue
Bayou Days- The Summer of 61- go back in time - you can't read this without being
changed- now available for purchase on line
Are you in the business of
fire, flame, gas, land clearing, or safety? You ought to see my igniter.
click here if you need someone to do a home page for you
Have you ever dreamed of being a model?
Do you need someone to take your wedding photos?
Cajun midi files
more cajun midi

Romance. sensual, and just plain
Midnite Cowboy
Have you ever dreamed of being a model?
Female Wanted By Millionaire
The shades of night were falling fast
Love, Sex, and, Money
crack, krack, crack, a funny thing happened at Blue
Bayou water park in Baton Rouge
Take the ribbons from your hair
Your caress is my command. Click Here to
actually hear Fabio quote this and other lovable things.
A hundred year old whore house, Nellie's In Natchez, Mississippi
you want to be a model?
Scenic Louisiana
Midnite Cowboy
Lost with bob dylan on highway 61, a photo filled senic view of
natchez,mississippi, saint francisville, dog wood trees, historic homes adventure, also
lyrics to highway 61 revisited
all my pages are full of louisiana photographs
houses and wildlife photos
lovely garden photos
Lake Bistineau State park pictures,wildlife, bobcat, spanish moss, water,
Today's social issues
Midnite Cowboy
Purchase an a propane igniter for comercial
uses for flares, boilers, land clearing, crawfish boils, and fun. The Whitlow Igniter
environmental, where I work
Head lice children, doctors, Rid. This worked for me
official page of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Louisiana ozone advisories and predicitons
adoption, abortion

gun control and the
Brady law
The murder of a small girl
child and the death penalty
Take a bite out of
crime, take the crime out of drugs, legalize drugs
The Baton
Rouge Martin Luther King Day Murder. The trial game of Brandon Johnson. Where is American
Another innocent man bites the dust, the Kawatta Bosby Murder
The Conviction and release of Rolando Cruz, The Dupage 7.
Justice on the Run
Bob Dylan sings Hurricane, a protest against criminal injustice. He could
have been the champion of the world.the Ballad of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter
Rubin Carter Story
More of the Rubin
"Hurricane" Carter story. Rubin Carter was a candidate for the welterweight
boxing title before Mohammed Allie. He was falsely accused and convicted of murder
and wasted 19 years in the pen.
smoke school, all about
air pollution, method 9, opacity, air quality and environmental quality you can take
this free class to learn how to be a professional bounty hunter for the environmental
protection agency
Baseball, Football, Sports
Midnite Cowboy
My novel: Blue Bayou Days, The Summer of 61
This novel is about Louisiana Fishing, Baseball,
Roger Maris, Mickey Mantle, Dizzy Dean, Little League Baseball, John F. Kennedy, Elvis
Presley, Lousiana Farm and Rural life
Live coverage of LSU Sports
Roger Maris, put Roger Maris in the hall of fame, View McGwier,
Mantle, and Maris click here
Official site of
LSU Baseball
War And Peace pages
Midnite Cowboy
Fighting for peace is like
screwing for virginity.
A soldiers letters home form world war 2
american civil war
and the band played waltzing
matilda, a war protest song from way back You will see why you don't want your kids to
go to war. Lyrics by Eric Bogle, also midi sound file of "Waltzing
Imagine by John Lennon Lyrics, midi
Wildlife and Fisheries
Midnite Cowboy

I am looking for a
place to hunt in Caldwell Parish, East Feliciana Parish or anywhere
Lets go hunting
and fishing for real a real invitation to anyone who loves to fish and hunt wildlife and
The no legged squirrel
hunting license in
the 40's
My grandfather's
duck stamps collection. I wouldn't be surpirsec if you saw Marilyn Monroe on this page.
some Louisiana wildlife
and fisheries that you may see at Redwood Creek Blueberry Farm
deer hunting in
Louisiana can be dangerous to your health. come see, you will laugh at this
hunting seasons schedule... hit you browser back button to come back here
hunting leases international. click here to get links to deer hunting in
amrerica........hit your browsers back button to get back here and pronto
Louisiana sportsmans
paradise, mainly fishing info with lots of photos
Don Binkley, Tiffany's Uncle
shot and killed in hunting accident in Union Parish Louisiana near Farmerville.
lost with bob dylan on
highway 61, a senic view of natchez,mississippi, saint francisville, dog wood trees,
historic homes adventure, also lyrics to highway 61 revisited