The Flower Garden

(Please be patient, it takes a little while for some of the pictures to appear.)

The garden in June, viewed from the east side.

The slope east of the flower garden had poor soil, weeds and brush, and was an eyesore. I dug out tree stumps, doubledug it to remove roots while terracing it into several levels held in place with patio blocks and rocks.

I think the paths and garden sculpture create pretty pictures in my garden. The lupine and columbine are early summer favorites. The robin was a real-life visitor.

I needed a place to set out some day lilies and to plant some seeds for later transplanting, so I dug up a strip at the west of the flower garden. Here's one of my first day lilies, a gift from a very dear friend.

The flower garden is on the north side of the lawn. If you turn and look between the house and the garden, toward the west, you see the lower lawn. This picture was taken several summers ago.

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