a.k.a. "Little Man"

For a look at my first five years in review,
(including info on my growth which is of great interest to all my relatives since I'm in the 5th percentile),
visit my photo archive.

Waiting for the bus, November 2003. (5 1/2 years old)

First day of kindergarten!

Ahhh -- more pure joy. This time because I'm about to spray Mom with the hose. (4th of July, 2003)

Just hanging out in Florida at 5 years old.

Roar! Roar! Roar! (March 2003, 5 years old)


I'm King of the Universe! (December, 2002)

Jack and I thought the jungle theme at my second cousin's bar mitzvah was cool. (October 2002)

Hanging out in my best friend's backyard, fall 2002.

The pure joy on my face rarely gets captured in photos! (4 1/2 years old)

To this day, Dad thinks this is the coolest photo of me ever.

We sometimes wear headbands while doing art because it makes us feel creative! (4th birthday, March, 2002)

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