Morris, publisher
of this web
Click on the
link of your choice to take you to the subject area to
which you wish to go. here
- The Pen Pal
Newsletter, rest in peace!
- History and
detailed information on the "snail mail"
- Bible Believers'
Resource Page:
- The
Fundamental Evangelistic Association. FEA exposes
current religious trends and stands for Biblical
- Revival Fires!
- One of
America's foremost Fundamental Baptist newspapers
published by Dennis Corle.
- God's Simple Plan of
- For those who
sincerely want to know how to go to Heaven.
- FREEdom Flyer
- Reaching the
forgotten of society and ministering to law
enforcement with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Watchtower Observer:
- Contradictions,
inconsistencies, history, and some pretty bizarre
teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

- Click here for some
of my special requests

- The Official Vatican
Site, Bulls and lies.
- The usual
doubletalk no one can understand.

- As American as
baseball, Ford and apple pie? Documentation that
Henry Ford and Detroit automakers supplied Hitler!

- Revelation 17, Rome,
the Mother of Harlots, the City on Seven Hills:
- Why does Rome
call fundamental Baptists "Hate Mongers"
or "Anti-Catholic?" God may have
something to do about, as she is exposed! Dave
Hunt reveals how the Roman Catholic Church is the
Mother of Harlots in Revelation 17.

- The Universal
Currency Converter: For those who
wish to compare the values of world currencies.
- Wyatt Archaeological
Research Newsletters: Some
interesting research done regarding Noah's Ark,
Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Red Sea.
- Critical Bible
Doctrines: A study of
many years' work compiling critical Bible
construction and growing, but useable.

- New International
PERVersion, by Terry Watkins:
- The title says
it all.
- Is the "Promise
Keepers" of God? (I think not.): What's behind
the Promise Keepers? You'll be surprised!
- Randy Snyder:
- I'm promoting
Randy's need as a favor, who is the son of a
church friend of ours. This is no scam. (In May,
1998, Randy had is surgery and is doing well with
his recovery. Praise the Lord, but keep praying!)

- From a Slave to Rome
to Free in Christ:
- Read the
testimony of Sandy Hooper, and her long journey
from the shackles of Rome as a nun to her freedom
in Christ!
- Who is the Queen of
- Send an e-mail
to the "Blessed Virgin?" Let's get real.
The ultimate blasphemy! See who Rome thinks it is.
- Skeletons in Rome's
World War Two Closet:
- Learn a first-hand
account why a young girl in a World War Two
Catholic town is now running for her life.

- Pope John Paul
II says The Vatican didn't speak out enough
against the Holocaust--but incriminating pictures show she was in the
thick of it! Deny this, you murderers! The
Vatican (otherwise known as the Revisionists)
have done what they could to change our history
books and cover up their part (read Revelation 17:6,
18:24, 19:2). Some day she will be nuked by NATO
(military Babylon)!

- Question, please! Do you have any
questions relating to the Bible or the Christian
life? Feel free to ask! Stupid questions will be
ignored, like: "Where did Cain get his wife?"
- Click here to e-mail

One World Religion and
What Big Brother Does Not Want You To Know!
Babylon the Great
World Economy NOW in place.
The Eurodollar
World Religion
The Mother of
Harlots, seducing all to leave Jesus and commit spiritual
(Revelation 18:3)
The Ecumenical Movement
all get together and love one another--let's forget our
differences and be one.")

Separation of
Church and State is a sham phrase. It is only meant to
apply to Bible believing fundamentalists and
conservatives. It does not apply to Rome. See who controls our Congress!

From the not-so-serious
side of life, here are some bumper stickers to tickle your funny bone.

My Guestbook

My Guestbook
Take a different
look at The Baptist Pages
(also featuring
Hyles-Anderson College).
This is The Baptist
Pages, formerly The Pen Pal Newsletter Online.
Below are links that will take you to many interesting
Read About The History of
Pentecost Sundays at First Baptist Church of Hammond,
Indiana, where thousands were saved and baptized!

pen pal publication/web site publishers:
Just in case you were wondering, I have not accepted or
exchanged advertising with other publications for many
years. The Baptist Pages has a different agenda
than other organizations. I do not expect you to
understand this difference or my motives, but they are
spiritual and doctrinal in nature. In case you are not
spiritual or you do not know what doctrine is, this is
our primary difference. Unfortunately, those who see a
site like this think that standing for the Bible and
contending for the Faith is hate. No, it is not hate any
more than a surgeon cuts you open and gets out the cancer.
It is the doctor who tells you everything is going to be
okay and doesn't warn you about your cancer who hates you.
Even so, we fundamentalists may come across a little
strong to those of you who are used to sissy preachers
who do not take a stand for anything, but we care more
about you than the preacher who lies to you.
In case
you have not noticed, all who call themselves Christians
are not. If you think they are the same, you need
to get a brain transplant! This site is also King James
Bible, and local, New Testament Baptist church-oriented
in nature.
This site
is NOT ecumenical, neo-evangelical, Charismatic, non-denominational,
or inter-denominational. It is Baptistic in
doctrine and philosophy (Could it be that this is why
this site is called The Baptist
Pages?). Christians who are ecumenical, neo-evangelical,
Charismatic, non-denominational, or inter-denominational
do not know what they believe, are chameleons who what to
fit in with whomsoever they are with, and do not want to
bear the reproach of Christ (Hebrews 13:13)! If you do
not consider me "loving" because of my
separatist position, I'll pray that God helps you to grow
up, read the Bible and study the doctrine of separation.
It is interesting that those who cry "unloving"
the most live the most worldly and unspiritual lives and
do not the first thing about soul winning or what the
Christian life is all about.
I am happy
for you to submit your site for me to review, but it is extremely
egotistical for anyone to take it for
granted that your offer to exchange links or advertising
will be accepted. I, too, live by this principle and do
not expect others to link to my page unless they so
choose. That's why I am saving you the embarrassment and
my taking the time to write you a "Dear John" e-mail.
That's why I chose to be in the web rings below, because
these web rings generally reflect what I believe and the
people with whom I wish to associate. I am not better
than anyone else, and neither are you.
"Birds of a feather
flock together." You hang around your kind, and I'll
hang around my kind, thank you!
Feel free
to e-mail me any web sites you may think may be of
interest to our visitors. If I think a site is of value,
I'll create a link to it.
A Loving Message to Those in
Fundamental Baptist Web Rings.

"God Bless America" Stuff:
Willie's Links to the New
World Order and the Socialization of America
Do you really want to know who runs America? It
ain't Bill Clinton!
Wanna know what the
CIA has been up to? Nazis working for the U.S.
government? Impossible? Weak stomachs need go no further.
Check out Free America
World Internet News
Distributary Source
(WINDS) tells it like it is. Want to know what's really
going on behind the scenes in our government? Is America
still a democracy? After going through this site, you
will think we are living in Orwell's 1984, because
we are!

What about Peter Ruckman,
From Dave's Bible Study Ministries, fundamental Baptists
must know what this unusual man teaches, lest they be
adversely affected.

Remember Lester Roloff?
Old timers will love to hear actual recordings of the
Family Altar radio program. God only made one like
Brother Roloff. You'll be blessed! (It would be worth your time
to download the TrueSpeech Player provided on the site.
The clarity is great!)

Proof from Rome's
own mouth that the modern-day Charismatic Movement came
from the Vatican!

Are you a
Charismatic? Are you ecumenical, non-denomination, or
interdenominational? If so, then you are a puppet of the
Roman Catholic Church's endtime superchurch.
We read in
I Timothy 4:1: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,
that in the latter times some shall depart from the
faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, (the
Roman Charismatic "Spirit" is not the same as
God's Holy Spirit; it is a seducing, demonic spirit) and doctrines of
devils; 2: Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their
conscience seared with a hot iron; 3: Forbidding to marry
(the Catholic doctrine of
celibacy), and commanding to abstain
from meats (the Catholic doctrine of
Lent--meatless Fridays and fish fries), which God hath
created to be received with thanksgiving of them which
believe and know the truth."
If you
want the facts, directly and proudly from Rome, do a
search on your favorite engine using the words "Charismatic
Movement." You will see many fundamental Baptist
sites refuting it and you will see the Vatican promoting
it. What other proof do you want? Click on the above link
to find out for yourself.
Man of peace
and freedom? What secret does Nelson Mandela hold that
the (controlled) Western press will not tell about him
and the African National Congress (ANC)? I hope you are sitting
down. (I wouldn't want to offend anyone or step on
anyone's toes, now would I?)
The Church. Have you been
brainwashed by the Vatican and Evangelical "Christianity"
about what the Bible defines as a true church? A detailed
report, written by this author, and based on the Bible
and many secular and religious sources, which prove that
there is no such thing as the "Universal,"
"Invisible" or "Electronic" church.
Does the Bible condemn your "Christian"
denomination? Many will be shocked, amazed, and accuse me
of being hateful; but it's in the Bible, so guess with
Whom you do not agree?