Welcome to my

In just
a few seconds you should hear their first single "All Things
Considered" playing here. (Well you'll get to hear about a
minute of it.)
The guitar pic
that you clicked to get to this page was the actual 'pic' that
Matt, the lead guitarist, used during the concert and then threw
out into the audience. I went to see this band Friday, November
5th at Club Dance in Columbus Ohio. All I can say is they kick
hiney!!! These are actual pictures I took.
If you get the
chance to go see this band perform, you should do it! They give a
great show, and they love their audience and it shows! Not to
mention the music...wow! If you haven't heard them yet, check out
your local country stations, last I heard they were #12 on the
countdown with "All Things Considered". Go get the CD!
It's out now and you can find it just about anywhere. It's titled
UNTAMED. I honestly can say I like every song on there. Visit
their webpage for a list of touring locations and
dates! Keep on a lookout for their next video!
Check out the
following new images/pictures!!


That is Dave, the bass player.

Dave in the white and you can just make
out Joe the fiddler.

Tim Hunt, the lead singer, and Dave.
No, it's not alcohol!

You can just barely make out Joe again.
What an awesome fiddler he is!

Close up of Joe. Matt is to the left,
and Tim to the right. I think that
Matt and Joe were "dueling" then.

Want to see more pictures?
Click the girl above to go on.