Welcome to our HALLOWEEN PARTY PAGE!!!!

Here you will see how we decorated for our Halloween Party! You'll get to see our son, Jordan, our neices and nephews, Amber, Austin, and Alex and others having fun!



Chrissy, Austin and Amber holding Leia. This was the day of the party. We had over 10 carved pumpkins. They were carved with that Master Pumpkin kit and looked terrific

My son Jordan, playing "dead".

Jordan, Leia, Austin and Amber. That's me in the very background.
Notice hand hanging from the window! We lit those pumpkin torches too.
Notice, also the two pumpkins hanging from the door. Those were given away for
free from Old Navy when you purchased a certain amount. They were
really cute, they lit up and flashed (you can't see the faces from here)
and you could use them to trick or treat too.

Just hanging around.

Hey, he was trying to jump! I couldn't let him go!

This is our living room. The kids had slept on the floor the night before.

We decorated the kitchen too.

Austin at the outside part of the party. I wish we had taken more
pictures of the pumpkins.

Here's one of the pumpkins my husband did. You can just make
out the cat. Can you see it?

This is actually trick or treat night. This was Sunday night
and our party had been Saturday night.

Trick or Treat night....my sister is along the side. My
youngest nephew Alex is in the doorway.