Welcome To Charo's Place!!
The Dove of Peace flies from site
to site, through as many countries as possible. Please
help it make a line around the globe by taking it with
you to your site, by giving it to someone for their site,
by passing it on to another continent, or to the conflict
areas of the world.

note: My pages are full of graphics.
It may
take awhile for some to load. Have patience.
It will
be worth the wait!
Hello. Thanks
for stopping by. This is a place for kids and
parents to come and discover crafts, games, holiday fun
and more.
I hope you enjoy your time here and come back often.
Things change around
here so quickly! I can just say I love children,
children and more children.
Especially any
children that are ill...that need special
prayer. I have a special page for these kids
and I would like
to start getting more children sponsored on
I'm going to put
their pictures and an address of where folks can
send them little cards and toys. So
if you or someone you know has a child that
needs special
prayer, please forward it to me.
Please feel free
to send me email for
anything you
find here. You can find lots of
stuff here to do
with your kids! email
me with them.
answered, "I am the way, and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father, except through me."-
John 14:6

Click on the kid
line to see some special kids!
If you know of a
child in special need of
prayer, please
send him/her to me and
I will add them!
to talk to Cheetah experts? See all kinds of roller
coasters, "build" your own, and even
"ride" a coaster? See a naked mole-rat, shark
or ant colony live? Play mind games too!!! Check out:
note that this site changes weekly and what I have
mentioned above may not be there anymore. But there is
always something great to "discover"!
***This Site Is
Being Modified, Please Check Back Every Few Days For
Party Ideas

Pictures Of
you a toy collector?
Click the toy linebelow!

used to have an email list of people that I would send an
email when I updated my page! I lost that list! If you
were on that list and want to be back on, or if you are
new and would like to know when something new happens at
Charo's Place, click the crayon image to let me know!
Click the doghouse to see our princess.

Click below to see pictures of our
Halloween Party!

Wanna hear a great new band?

Wanna see some LIVE pictures
of this great band?

Check out my new
Scooby Doo page!
"Love the
Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all
your soul, and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37
"Never tire
of doing what is right. "II Thessalonians 3:13
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