a resource for support & information
and a place to share your experiences and story

Thank you for visiting our site. The loss of a loved one can be painful and the prospects of hope and healing can seem unfathomable, especially that of a baby. Some statistics say the loss of a baby exceeds that of a parent, sibling, and even closer, a spouse.

When my husband & I lost our baby, we were not sure where to turn nor how to cope with our overwhelming grief. Here, you will find a stepping-stone to begin the process of recovery with resources for parents, relatives and friends.

Please browse around and sign our guestbook. We would be interested in hearing from you as well as your comments and suggestions. We hope this finds an avenue for peace, love, and healing......Francisco, Gloria & Ana

Special Features:

Stories to Live By...
Some heart-warming stories for all walks of life,
please pass them on!

Announcing the Safe Arrival of Baby Daniel John!
Please click HERE! to meet our bundle of joy!

Research Study * Holiday Survival *
Ana's Story * Momenteos of Ana * Angels Memorial Garden * Gratitude Page
Dad's Corner * Dad's Articles * Bereaved Parents
Rights for Parents & Child * Family & Friends * Bereaved Children * Dealing With Guilt
Your Story * Struggling to Heal * Honorary Page * Books & Publications
Stories to Live By * LINKS * Fun Stuff *

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