Hello guests..... This page is for you to list all the really gross things your dogs have done. You may send them to me via the e-mail address below. I'll post the best and toss the rest. I know you have some, like the time the puppy hurled in your shoe and you didn't notice it until you put on the shoe... You need to sign your e-mail because you will recieve full credit for your dog's finest moments. Oh, please include the URL to your homepage (if you have one), so others will know the better things your dogs do. I have posted the newer additions on the top of the page so you won't have to re-read the entire page. The latest isn't necessarily dog related, but really gross anyway. Please visit the sites on the bottom of this page concering Satos (abandoned animals in Puerto Rico) and the newest addition of the South Korean problem concering dogs as a food source. Remember to hug your dog today and thank God you can. |
A special bunch of HUGS to Fluffy and Ripley51... without them this page wouldn't have happened. |
Thanks bunches for your grossest... |
The third & fourth links below, "Gross Things People Do To Dogs and Things You Can Do To Stop It", is a serious problem in the world at large and is not meant to be funny. Enter it only at your own risk and bring a box of tissues with you. WARNING: The last one, on the Korean situation is not intended for children. |
Facinating Gross Facts From Our Friends Across The Pond
Every year, parks in London alone are doused in one million gallons of dog urine. The second day I had my puppy, I had some children over from the day care where I worked. He had failed to go "potty" for us outside yet, and while I was making juice for the children, one of them started yelling, "Toby!! Toby!! The dog's poopin'!!" Well, I was so mortified! And the poor puppy, he felt so bad for having to go on the rug, he slunk away and started crying. He needed lots of TLC after that. And you know how children are; they see something gross and they just can't help but stare. I had problems getting them to back up enough for me to clean up the mess!!! submitted by Toby Why you would want to really clean up after your dog...one day I let my 2 year old rottweiler out now 3 and she went to do here duty then five minutes later she ate it which was really gross. submitted by Skywalker Why you would want to fence off your yard...
Bender, a 10 month old Golden, was out in the yard while I got ready to give her a bath. She must have known, because when I went to let her in, she was gone. Looking closer, I saw her head. The rest of her was soaking in the septic over flow, where none of the dogs had even looked at before. She came walking up to me, with that happy, retarded, golden look, black sticky goo all over her coat. Clumps of the stuff fell off as she moved.
The smell hit me a twenty feet. Trying not to puke from the smell, I hosed her off, and six shampoos later, had the dog back. This was two days before her first conformation show.
submitted by Bender and Turbo
Why you would want to pick up your room...
When your "child" is quiet and you do not know where he is, find him quick or he may find you. My dog, Scout, loves my daughter's dirty underwear. One day we had a house full of company and Scout hid in her bedroom. When he came out, he had a mouthful of her underwear. He came out from under the bed to four girls who were shouting, "gross!!" all at the same time.
submitted by STUMPJUMPER6
Why you would want to empty the trash in a timely manner...
My pup, Wizard, has managed two pretty gross events. (Well, actually, lots more, but not that I have time to write about...) Once, Wizard got into the bathroom trash and ate over a dozen used tampons. She managed to barf them up, one at a time, all over the apartment floor. A few travelled all the way through, making for amusing commentary during public dog-walking time.
Another time, she ate 1 pound of butter, unbeknownst to me. She managed to get really slimy runs all night, covering the floor of our one-room apartment. This fact was discovered by my significant other, in the middle of the night, in bare feet... Yuck.
submitted by Fetchund
Why you would want to be careful about where your dog does her duty...
It all happened on a hot summer day while stopping on a grand tour of the UP (upper penn in Michigan)....good ol' Pud with a nose all basset would appreciate...got out of our "cruise mobile" (otherwise known as a motorhome) ...waddles her nice little fat fanny over to the fence...me being the proud "Mom" that I am said to hubby...oh look she is going to go pee pee right away no walking for hours...sure did...then she quick laid her nice clean body in human poo poo and proceeded to put on the perfume!! It was one gross...stinking...puking..mess!!
A truer than true story submitted by Pudster for Pud!!!...
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