yourself familiar with the angels, and
behold them frequently in spirit; for
without being seen, they are present with
you. ~St. Francis de Sale
Do Angels Look Like?
*Like the little
old lady who returned your wallet
yesterday. *Like the taxi
driver who told you that your
eyes light up the world, when you
smile.. * Like the small
child who showed you the wonder in simple
things *
the poor man who offered to share his lunch with
you. * Like the rich man
who showed you that it really is
all possible, if only you
believe. *Like the stranger
who just happened to come along, when you had
lost your way. *
the friend who touched your heart, when
you didn't think you had one to
touch. *
Angels come in all sizes and shapes, all
ages and skin types
* Some with freckles, some with
dimples, some with wrinkles, some
without. * They don't take life too
seriously, they travel light.
* They leave no forwarding address, they
ask nothing in return.
* They wear sneakers with gossamer
wings, they get a deal on dry
cleaning. *
are hard to find when your eyes are
closed, but they are everywhere you look,
when you choose to see.
Guardian Angels are a gift from God, A
treasure of immeasurable worth. Sent to guard
and protect his children While they are still
on earth! by
Dedee 1-4-2001
Hugs Of Love
Guardian Angels are hugs
from Heaven Sent
on wings of Love To embrace and
protect you daily For the Father
above. by Dedee 1-4-2001
Protecting Angel
Guardian Angels are sent
to Earth God' s treasures to
protect. Spiritual creatures walking with
you, As close as your
very next breath! -by Dedee
At His Feet
Wade out into the water of God's
Love, He will be there to meet you, and
comfort from above. He holds you in his hands
like the potter with the clay He will turn
bad to good, because it is His way. His Love
and Mercy surrounds us and Joy envelopes our
soul. Peace and Comfort o'er take
us, when we let Him
have control. Down many roads you may be
driven. down wrong
paths you may trod... But He is always with
you, 'cause He is the Living
God! So just wade on out into
goodness, get a taste of His great
feast... For it's there for the
taking, when we humbly bow
at His feet! by Dedee 5-6-2001
After The Valleys
Sometimes in
this earthly life ,some valleys we must
face. They are not good
times we recall, we cry, and fret, and
pace! But it is while
we're in the valleys we grow stronger in the
Lord. For He is our comfort, joy and peace, it's
all promised in his word. It is a shame how
ever,it takes valleys to shake our souls.
make us know we can trust in Him and we are
never alone. After the valley comes the mountain
top, cool and crisp and clean. Like a refreshing
breath of air so thick we could almost see
it. It refreshes and
revives and assures us of one
thing... The Holy Spirit
dwells within, even though it is not
seen. Such power springs forth like a
mighty rushing wind Engulfing our body and soul
and even the inner man! The Father is in
command again, Yes, He is on the
scene! He will guide us
safely through anything, that is to be.
my friend, let us not tarry and wait on the
valleys to overtake us, Let us sing praises to
his name and worship our heavenly maker.
by Dedee 6-4-2001