was no
longer able to maintain this site. Thank You Susan for all your
hard work.
Cynthia had taken over the newsletter, which has since been set aside.
Tina manages the Birthday and Get Well Committee, and is now a moderator as well.
Country and Gail are in charge
of the Welcoming Committee.
I would also like to thank all
the Angels who helped or offered their help and for those that helped with
encouragement and kind words at all the right times. Without each and
everyone of you the Angel Exchange would not exist at this time. We thank
you all from the bottom of our hearts.
You teach us the true meaning
of Angels.

Please visit these pages and
to Angel exchange
March 2004
This page will give you all
the information about our Angel to Angel Craft Exchange
and will tell you
what you need to do to join.
by an Angel
On this page you will find
stories by everyday people who want to share how the
Angels they have met
have touched their lives.
like an Angel
This is a must read page if you
enjoy inspirational poems and sayings.
Some of them are written by our
very own participants in our Angel to Angel Exchange.
This is were you will find some
terrific links to other pages.
By Angels
Jan. 2 2002
If you are looking for some
Angel crafts to do..
.then you need to check out this page for some craft
Among Us
Feb. 2 2002
And if you are interested
in seeing just what kind of Angels
we are sending to each other then you
will need to definitely visit these pages.

Please e-mail Me with your comments
and suggestions
for making this a better place to
visit. Thank you and come again.
Site is Owned By
Angel Exchange